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Get Prepared for Class Put your homework in the purple tray.

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Presentation on theme: "Get Prepared for Class Put your homework in the purple tray."— Presentation transcript:

1 Get Prepared for Class Put your homework in the purple tray.
Pick Up Whiteboard materials Whiteboard Sock rag Marker if you need to borrow one

2 Subject Verb Agreement
Learning Goal I will be able to recognize and correct errors in subject verb agreement.

3 Problems in Agreement Phrases between the subject and the verb can cause problems with subject verb agreement

4 The number of a subject is NOT changed by a phrase following the subject.
The hero of those folk tales is Coyote. [The verb IS agrees with the subject HERO, not the object of the preposition TALES] The successful candidate, along with two of her aides, has entered the auditorium. [The helping verb HAS agrees with the subject candidate, not with aides.]

5 More Examples Scientists from all over the world have gathered in Geneva. [The helping verb HAVE agrees with the subject SCIENTISTS, not with WORLD.] The crystal pitcher, oozing water droplets, was cracked along the base. [The helping verb WAS agrees with the subject pitcher, not DROPLETS.]

6 Let’s Practice this Rule Identify the correct form of the verb from the parentheses that agrees with its subject.

7 A tidal wave, despite its name, (is, are) not caused by the tides.
Subject singular - wave

8 Earthquakes beneath the sea (causes, cause) most tidal waves.
Subject plural - earthquakes

9 ALERTS Subject singular - network
A network of warning signals (alerts, alert) people in coastal areas of an approaching tidal wave. ALERTS Subject singular - network

10 CAUSES Subject singular - force
The tremendous force of tidal waves sometimes (causes, cause) great destruction. CAUSES Subject singular - force

11 ARE Subject plural - walls
Walls of earth and stone along the shore (is, are) often too weak to protect coastal villages. ARE Subject plural - walls

12 TRAVEL Subject plural - waves
Some tidal waves, according to this encyclopedia article, (travels, travel) more than five hundred miles an hour. TRAVEL Subject plural - waves

13 DO Subject plural - waves
Tidal waves in the open ocean generally (does, do) not cause much interest. DO Subject plural - waves

14 The height of tidal waves there often (remains, remain) low.
Subject singular - height

15 OCCUR Subject plural - waves
However, waves up to one hundred feet high (occurs, occur) when tidal waves hit land. OCCUR Subject plural - waves

16 The scientific name for tidal waves (is, are) tsunamis.
Subject singular - name

17 STOP Time to Prove Your Own Knowledge Complete Subject-Verb Agreement Worksheet 4

18 Subjects in Unusual Positions
A subject can follow a verb or part of a verb phrase in a question, a sentence beginning with here or there, or a sentence in which an adjective, an adverb, or a phrase is placed first. When this happens, find the subject and make sure that the verb agrees with it.

19 Examples Where was the cat. Where were the cats.
Does Jim know the Chens? Do the Chens know Jim? Here is my umbrella. Here are our umbrellas. There is a scary movie on TV. There are scary movies on TV.

20 Follow these Steps for Help
Rephrase the sentence so that the subject precedes the verb. Determine whether the subject is singular or plural. Choose the verb that agrees with the subject. Add correct verb to the original sentence.

21 Example of Steps in Use (Is, Are) the visual effects better than the song recording? Rephrase – The visual effects (is, are) better than the song recording. Determine subject – EFFECTS is plural Choose the correct verb – ARE is plural Add correct verb to original sentence. Are the visual effects better than the song recording?

22 Let’s Practice this Rule Identify the correct form of the verb from the parentheses that agrees with its subject.

23 Here (is, are) your gloves.
Subject plural - gloves

24 In the pond (swims, swim) large goldfish.
Subject singular - goldfish

25 There (is, are) two solutions to this complicated Chinese puzzle.
Subject plural - solutions

26 (Is, Are) your parents from Korea?
Subject plural - parents

27 COME Subject plural - members
Here (comes, come) the six members of the decorations committee for the dance. COME Subject plural - members

28 Here (is, are) some apples and bananas for the picnic basket.
Subject compound plural – apples and bananas

29 There (is, are) neither time nor money for the project.
Subjects singular – time, money

30 Here (is, are) the picture I took of the notes.
IS Subject singular - picture

31 WERE Subject plural - candidates
At the press conference, there (was, were) several candidates for mayor and two for governor. WERE Subject plural - candidates

32 Here (is, are) a mask carved by the indigenous people.
Subject singular - mask

33 STOP Time to Prove Your Own Knowledge Complete Subject-Verb Agreement Worksheet 5

34 Let’s Practice Both Rules Now This time we are going to practice proofreading and editing the errors.

35 If the sentence has subject verb agreement write C for correct on your board. If the sentence does NOT have subject verb agreement write NC for not correct. Then edit the sentence by writing the proper verb on your card.

36 Does your classmates collect posters?
NC Change does to DO Subject classmates is plural

37 Correct Subject PICTURES plural Verb HANG plural
On the walls of many teenagers’ rooms hang pictures of favorite singers, actors, and athletes. Correct Subject PICTURES plural Verb HANG plural

38 An effective tool for advertising or announcing evens is posters.
Correct Subject TOOL singular Verb IS singular

39 Vibrant colors in a poster attracts the public’s attention.
NC Change attracts to ATTRACT Subject COLORS plural

40 Among the greatest of poster artists were Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.
NC Change were to WAS Subject Henri d Toulouse-Lautrec singular

41 Japanese prints were the source of his inspiration.
Correct Subject PRINTS plural Verb WERE plural

42 There is few posters more famous than I Want You!
NC Change is to ARE Subject POSTERS plural

43 On that World War I recruitment poster is a portrait of Uncle Sam.
Correct Subject POSTER singular Verb IS singular

44 There is also patriotic posters from World War II.
NC Change is to ARE Subject POSTERS plural

45 STOP Time to Prove Your Own Knowledge Complete Mixed Review worksheet 2

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