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4.M.NBT.05 IEEI Task.

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1 4.M.NBT.05 IEEI Task

2 4.M.NBT.05 I can use multiple strategies to multiply whole numbers of 4 digit and 2 digit by 2 digits.

3 Mathematical Practices
#2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively. #3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. #4: Model with mathematics. #5: Use appropriate tools strategically. #7: Look for and make use of structure.

4 Expectations You will have 7 minutes to complete the following task with your table group. Record your answer on the paper provided. Each of you will have a job. Be respectful of each person’s thoughts and opinions. Team Captain Time Keeper Materials Manager Recorder

5 Your Task Your team will be given a question and asked to use at least 2 different ways to solve it. Be sure to explain how you know these strategies worked and why you chose them.

6 Your task 126 x 5 Solve the problem above using at least 2 different strategies. Then create a list of reasons explaining how you know these strategies worked and why you chose them.

7 Share out! Materials Manager, please be prepared to share out.
What your solution was. What strategies your team used. Why you chose those strategies and how you knew they worked.

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