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Science Process Skills

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1 Science Process Skills
You Got Skills? Science Process Skills

2 What are process skills?
Just like a baseball player, a scientist must have certain skills to do her job. These skills include: Making observations Making inferences Measuring Conducting controlled experiments

3 Making Observations An observation is the gathering of information using our 5 senses: Sight Smell Hearing Taste Touch YouTube - Test Your Awareness: Do The Test

4 Two Types of Observations
Qualitative observations describe what we observe. Example: The flower has white petals. Example: Mr. D has green eyes.

5 Two Types of Observations
Quantitative observations measure what we observe. Example: The flower has seven petals. Example: Mr. D has two eyes.

6 Which is better? Both types of observations are valuable in science and can be used. It just depends on what you are observing. If you are describing the smell of a flower, it would be difficult to measure that in any way.

7 Making Inferences Inferences are an explanation of an observation you made. They are based on your past experiences and prior knowledge.

8 Making Inferences Example
Observation: The grass on the school’s lawn is wet. Possible inferences: It rained. The sprinkler was on. There is dew on the grass. A dog urinated on the grass.

9 Try These Observation: The school’s fire alarm is going off.
Possible inferences? Observation: A student is called to the office.

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