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Starting at the Beginning

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1 Starting at the Beginning
Creation of the American Government Unit 1 Lesson 1

2 Constitution Written to outline how the United States government would be run. Created 3 different branches of government to insure that no branch gets too much power. Why?

3 Creation of 3 Separate Branches of Government
Separation of Power Creation of 3 Separate Branches of Government What are their jobs? Executive Branch President of the United States. *It’s job is to ENFORCE the laws of the US. *This branch also makes sure that the US government is running properly.

4 Separation of Power 2. Legislative Branch Congress *Where the Laws of the United States are created. It has two houses: 1)House of Representatives where the amount of representatives is determined by the state’s population. 2)Senate where every state has the same amount of representation. Why were these two Houses created?

5 Separation of Power 3. Judicial Branch Supreme Court.
* This is where the laws of the United States are judged and determined to be constitutional or not. *This is where laws we keep laws as they are or it is decided that the law is unconstitutional and no longer used. Can you think of any example of this happening?


7 Created the idea of Federalism
Constitution Created the idea of Federalism Separating the power of the government, so that both the Federal and the State governments have power. Delegated Powers RESERVED POWERS Only the power that is given to the State governments Examples: Only the power that is given to the Federal government Examples: CONCURRENT POWERS Powers that both the Federal government and the State government shares Examples:

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