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Primary Longman Elect 5B Chapter 5 Suffixes.

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1 Primary Longman Elect 5B Chapter 5 Suffixes

2 Suffixes We can add the suffix –er to words. The new word refers to people who do that activity. rob + er  robber There is an additional ‘b’ because ‘rob’ ends with a short vowel and a consonant.

3 Suffixes We can add the suffix –er to words. The new word refers to people who do that activity. bake + er  baker

4 Suffixes We can also add the suffix –ery to words. The new word refers to the event when the action takes place. rob + ery  robbery There is an additional ‘b’ because ‘rob’ ends with a short vowel and a consonant.

5 Suffixes We can also add the suffix –ery to words. The new word refers to the event when the action takes place.Sometimes the new word refers to a place for the action. bake + ery  bakery

6 Suffixes -er -ery teacher cookery singer trickery dancer eatery
painter bravery

7 The End

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