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Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (VRAP)

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1 Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (VRAP)

2 Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (VRAP)
Collaborative partnership between VA and DOL Authorized by VOW To Hire Heroes Act (11/21/11) Program runs from July 1, 2012-March 31, 2014 Serves up to 99,000 eligible veterans ages 35-60

3 VRAP Continued Provides participants VA educational benefits for up to one year of Vocational Training which must: Be in a “high demand occupation” identified by DOL Be in a community college, vocational or technical school, full time up to 12 months Lead to an AA, Non-College Degree, or Certification

4 VRAP Eligibility Be between the ages of 35 and 60
Be unemployed on the date of application Not be enrolled in any Federal or state job training program during the previous 180 days Be in receipt of an other than dishonorable discharge Be ineligible for any other VA education program Not be in receipt of VA compensation due to individual unemployability

5 VRAP Applications Veterans can apply beginning May 15, 2012:
Training can begin July 1, 2012 Up to 45,000 can be enrolled from May 15-September 30, 2012 Up to 54,000 can be enrolled from October 1, October 1, 2013, with training concluding by March 31, 2014 Application will be available online at the VOW Act website:

6 VRAP and One-Stop Centers
One-Stop Center Staff will: Inform veterans about VRAP Assist veterans to understand VRAP eligibility and application Provide labor market information about the occupations approved for VRAP training For those veterans who complete the training or terminate early: Contact individuals within 30 days to provide assistance. Assist veterans with their job search

7 VRAP Service Flowchart
One- Stop Referral Online VA/DOL Application Completes or Terminates Training VA sends DOL Participant Data VA Referral Other Referral DOL transmits Data to Workforce System Workforce System offers services w/in 30 days

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