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Word Wall Unit 1.

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1 Word Wall Unit 1

2 nat= born Latin

3 Native- being the place or environment in which a person was born
natural- as if from the beginning

4 tox = poison Latin

5 Toxin- poison produced by an organism
toxic- poison Toxin- poison produced by an organism

6 Latin able = ability to

7 capable- the ability to take hold of a specific task
pliable- flexible

8 re = again Latin

9 replete- to fill again repress- to press again or anew

10 graph = writing Greek

11 graph- a written symbol for an idea
graphic- of or relating to written representation

12 extra=beyond Latin

13 Extraterrestrial- beyond earth extravagant – beyond reasonable limits

14 Greek anti = against

15 antibiotic- chemical substances used against infections
antidote – a medicine for counteracting poison

16 Latin sign = mark

17 Signature- distinctive mark
Significant- a sign of importance

18 micro = small...Greek

19 Micron- unit of length Microscopic- too small to be viewed by the naked eye

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