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GATree Genetically Evolved Decision Trees

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1 GATree Genetically Evolved Decision Trees
Papagelis Athanasios - Kalles Dimitrios Computer Technology Institute

2 Introduction We use GA’s to evolve simple and accurate binary decision trees Simple genetic operators over tree structures Experiments with UCI datasets very good size competitive accuracy results

3 Why it should work ? GA’s are not They are … Hill climbers
Blind on complex search spaces Exhaustive searchers Extremely expensive They are … Beam searchers They balance between time needed and space searched

4 The question… Are there datasets where hill-climbing techniques are really inadequate ? e.g unnecessary big – misguiding output Yes there are… Conditionally dependent attributes e.g XOR Irrelevant attributes Many solutions that use GAs as a preprocessor so as to select adequate attributes Direct genetic search can be proven more efficient for those datasets

5 The proposed solution Select the desired decision tree characteristics (e.g small size) Create an appropriate fitness function Adopt a decision tree representation with appropriate genetic operators Evolve for as long as you wish!

6 Genetic operators

7 Payoff function Balance between accuracy and size
set x depending on the desired output characteristics. Small Trees ?  x near one Emphasis on accuracy ?  x grows big

8 Results

9 Future work Minimize evolution time
Improved node statistics Choose the output class using a majority vote over the produced tree forest Dynamic tuning of initial parameters Experiments with synthetic datasets Specific characteristics

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