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Sector Led Improvement #Tough love

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Presentation on theme: "Sector Led Improvement #Tough love"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sector Led Improvement #Tough love
Helen Coombes

2 Leading, Acting, Learning & Supporting
Taking sector led improvement seriously Second round of Peer challenge programme Led DASS 2 ADs Expert by experience and lead member Self Assessment using adapted TEASC tool Case File Audit undertaken by Principal Social Workers Presentation feedback on site followed by formal letter for publication DASS buddy system used for 6 month follow up Reminder of what the programme does

3 What have people said ? Social Care leadership and understanding at the most senior levels of the directorate is lacking Andy is a good egg Really good relationship between CCG, hospital and council senior leadership Matt and Tony are very accessible and committed to hearing and acting on feedback We want it all to work, I’m proud of working here Chaotic to the point it does not make sense Number of ways of triangulation and say about case audits, performance report, reading the evidence, testing out through KLOE

4 ‘So what?’ Joint commissioning plans and pooling of any budgets with NHS partners The scale of the challenge facing adult social care Review assessment caseloads to ensure an appropriate level of skill and effectiveness Develop a clear vision and purpose for adult social care

5 Consistent themes Use of Resources, Performance and Outcomes
Partnerships and Collaboration Practise especially safeguarding and legal literacy Leadership both Executive and Political Change Management System Working and Better Care

6 Some Coordinator reflections
Shared Learning - always great things happening in every place Exhaustion of peer challenge members Incorporating the service user/carer voice effectively a challenge Feedback and next steps can be challenging and requires a lot of the DASS Timescales are tight to undertake the challenge Organisation is key ahead of the challenge We could be more intelligence and data driven Having the right skills in the rest of the team

7 A Dorset example – Learning from else where
Detailed analysis of ASC Financial and Activity Data Scrutinise some key business processes Benchmark and compare with national messages Look at some specific areas I didn’t understand Look over the fence at health ! Scrutinise our savings and financial plans and do some knowledge transfer within the directorate

8 Where next for #Tough Love

9 Reflections from Tony Oakman
Asset based approach - Very different from regulatory approach Welcomed and where necessary has had sufficient ‘grit Use of casework– is the strategy the reality? Critical friend - if done right is not a cosy We are all dealing with similar opportunities, challenges and issues – not alone. Opportunities to celebrate success and achievements recognised in a public report

10 “Be careful what you wish for”
“I feel we need to consolidate and build on current methodology and approach and be careful we don’t wish for an approach which is not a learning/outcome based and potentially risk averse. If it’s broken it’s incumbent on DASS to blow the whistle – regardless of what methodology we or the government decide going forward.”


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