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Presentation on theme: "COAGULATION."— Presentation transcript:


2 COAGULATION Aggregation of fines into collection of particles which easily settle is referred to as coagulation

3 Main parameter: stability ratio W
coagulation homocoagulation heterocoagulation Main parameter: stability ratio W

4 Process delineation (thermodynamics)
Gk = Gh – G  Gk = Gk d + Gk el + Gk s + Gk inne That is components: dispersion (d), electrical (el), structural (s), a others

5 Dispersion interactions
H – distance between particles, m R – diameter of particle, m A132 – Hamaker constant, J phase 1 phase 2 phase 3

6 Dispersion interaction

7 Dispersion interaction
Hamaker constant

8 Dispersion interaction

9 Electrostatic interaction
1 – particle electrostatic potential, V, 2 – the other particle electrostatic potential, V, R1 – particle radius, m, R2 – the other particle radius, m,  – dielectric constant (usually water) 0 – dielectric permeability in vacuum, 8, ·10–12 C2 N–1 m–2 1/ – Debye radius (thickness of ewp), m, H – distance between interacting objects, m.

10 Electrostatic interaction

11 Structural interaction
For flat particles For spherical particles K , K* , Eso- constants l - parameter correlating standing for thickness of oriented water molecules at the surface of particle H - distance between particles R - radius of particles

12 Total interaction

13 Total interaction

14 Stability ratio W

15 Time of half-life t1/2 of hypothetical emulsion containing 1 m droplet and having energy barrier Vmax one radius apart from the droplet surface (after Friberg, 1991)

16 Main parameter: stability ratio W


18 selective coagulation

19 selective coagulation

20 selective coagulation

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