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This is the example I want the class to put up to become comfortable with creating and populating a table in Access.

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Presentation on theme: "This is the example I want the class to put up to become comfortable with creating and populating a table in Access."— Presentation transcript:

1 I am now in Access and I want to create a database so I click on Blank database.

2 This is the example I want the class to put up to become comfortable with creating and populating a table in Access.

3 Note also that the literals are enclosed in quotes because they are testing text fields.

4 The results.

5 true am I going to display.

6 Now I am testing two fields in an OR relationship
Now I am testing two fields in an OR relationship. Notice one test is on the criteria line and one is on the OR line.

7 criteria and others because they met the or which was looking for Course in publisher.


9 both publisher = Course and edition = 2

10 my point.

11 I ahve changed the year test to = 2003 to see if this illustrates my point better.

12 It does! Two records are displayed because year = 2003 and one record is displayed because of Course and edition 2.


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