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Gorillas and chimpanzees of climate change

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1 Near-term climate forcers and climate policy: black carbon and methane Daniel J. Jacob

2 Gorillas and chimpanzees of climate change
CO2: the 800-lbs gorilla Methane and BC: the chimps Do we care about the chimps?

3 Radiative forcing of climate change
Terrestrial flux Fout ~ T 4 Solar flux Fin Global radiative equilibrium: Fin = Fout Perturb greenhouse gases or aerosols radiative forcing F = Fin - Fout Global equilibrium surface temperature responds as To ~ F

4 Radiative forcing referenced to emissions, 1750-2011
Radiative forcing from methane emissions is 0.97 W m-2, compared to 1.68 W m-2 for CO2 Radiative forcing from black carbon aerosol (BC) is 0.65 W m-2, highly uncertain Together methane and BC have radiative forcing comparable to CO2 But atmospheric lifetimes of methane (10 years) and BC (~1 week) are shorter than CO2 (> 100 years) [IPCC, 2014]

5 Metrics of climate response to a radiative forcing agent
for 1-kg instantaneous emission at time t = 0 Global Warming Potential (GWP): integrated forcing over time horizon t = H Atmospheric lifetime: CO yrs yrs Global Temperature Potential (GTP): Mean surface temperature change at t = H Surface T response from 2008 emissions taken as pulse [IPCC, 2014]

6 Why the ephemeral response from a pulse of methane?
Fin Fout To To To To + To t < t = t = 20 years t = 100 years climate equilibrium emission pulse climate response back to original equilibrium F = 0 F > 0 F < 0 F = 0

7 Simple calculation of Global Temperature Potential (GTP)
Use impulse response function of surface To to pulse F of 1 W m-2 at time t = 0: t in years obtained by fitting results of HadCM3 climate model [Boucher and Reddy, 2008] GTP is then given by

8 Implication of GTP-based policy for near-term climate forcers
Start controlling methane 40 years before target, BC 10 years before target IPCC [2014]

9 Other climate policy metrics (M) have been proposed
C is the atmospheric variable perturbed by emission E I is the impact function of interest (T, sea level, precip, GNP, health…) W(t) is the temporal weighting factor  W(t) = 1 for t < tH , = 0 for t > tH (as for GWP)  W(t) = (t – tH) Dirac function (as for GTP)  W(t) = exp[-t/tH] exponential discount rate As societal relevance of the metrics increase, so does uncertainty Flugestvedt et al. [2003]

10 Controlling methane and BC should be part of climate policy … but for reasons totally different than CO2 It addresses climate change on time scales of decades – which we care about It offers decadal-scale results for accountability of climate policy It is less sensitive to arguments over what discount rates should be used It is an alternative to geoengineering by aerosols It has important air quality co-benefits BC has additional regional, hydrological impacts Measures to reduce emissions can have lasting effects over long time horizons Trend in Arctic sea ice volume Geoengineering: cloud seeeding

11 Black carbon in the atmosphere
diesel engines residential fuel open fires freshly emitted BC particle Global BC emission [Wang et al., 2014] Loss of BC is by wet deposition (lifetime ~ 1 week)

12 BC exported to upper troposphere is major component of forcing
…because it’s above white clouds instead of dark surface Integral contribution To BC forcing Global mean BC profile (chemical transport model) Export to upper troposphere deep convection 50% from BC > 5 km scavenging BC forcing efficiency frontal lifting BC source region (combustion) Ocean Samset and Myhre [2011]

13 AeroCom chemical transport models (CTMs) used by IPCC
Multimodel intercomparisons and comparisons to observations AeroCom chemical transport models (CTMs) used by IPCC overestimate BC by order of magnitude in upper troposphere TC4 aircraft campaign (Costa Rica) Observed Models Pressure, hPa Such large overestimate must be due to model errors in scavenging BC, ng kg-1 HIPPO aircraft campaign over Pacific Pressure, hPa obs models 20S-20N obs models 60-80N BC, ng kg-1 BC, ng kg-1 Koch et al. [2009], Schwarz et al. [2010]

14 Previous application to Arctic spring (ARCTAS)
BC/aerosol scavenging in GEOS-Chem CTM used at Harvard Cloud updraft scavenging Anvil precipitation Large scale precipitation CCN IN+CCN CCN+IN, impaction Meteorological data including convective mass fluxes from NASA GEOS assimilation system Aerosols are scavenged in cloud by similarity with condensed water Additional scavenging below cloud by rain/snow In-cloud scavenging efficiency from freezing/frozen clouds is highly uncertain Additional uncertainty for BC is its efficiency as cloud condensation nucleus (CCN) and ice nucleus (IN) entrainment detrainment vertical position of the aerosol particle, the scavenging process can be in-cloud or below-cloud. In-cloud: aerosols enter cloud droplets or ice crystals when they act as cloud condensation or ice nuclei and also by the process of impaction with the cloud droplets and crystals Below-cloud: is the capture of aerosol particles by precipitating rain droplets or snow particles, and is usually described by a first order decay equation. BC lifetime in GEOS-Chem is 4 days (vs. 7±2 days in AeroCom models)

15 GEOS-Chem BC simulation: source regions and outflow
Tests sources, export Observations (circles) and model (background) Normalized mean bias (NMB) in range of -30% to +10% NMB= -27% surface networks Wang et al., 2014 NMB= 6.6% AERONET BC optical depth NMB= -32% Steven Barrett , Federal aviation administration; The dataset was generated using the Aviation Emissions Inventory Code (AEIC). Anthropogenic emission dominates globally, biomass burning may dominate regionally and seasonally Aircraft profiles in continental/outflow regions HIPPO (US) US (HIPPO) Asian outflow (A-FORCE) observed model Arctic (ARCTAS) NMB= -12%

16 Comparison to HIPPO BC observations across the Pacific
Observed Model PDF PDF, (mg m-3 STP)-1 Model doesn’t capture low tail, is too high at N mid-latitudes Mean column bias is +48% Still much better than the AeroCom models Wang et al., 2014

17 BC top-of-atmosphere direct radiative forcing (DRF)
Absorbing aerosol optical depth (AAOD) Mass absorption coefficient Forcing efficiency DRF = Emissions X Lifetime X X Global atmospheric load Emission Tg C a-1 Global load (mg m-2) [% above 5 km] BC AAOD x100 Forcing efficiency (W m-2/AAOD) Direct radiative forcing (W m-2) fuel+fires This work 6.5 0.15 [8.7%] 0.17 88 0.19 ( ) AeroCom [2006] 7.8 ±0.4 0.28 ± 0.08 [21±11%] 0.22±0.10 168 ± 53 0.34 ± 0.07 Bond et al. [2013] 17 0.55 0.60 147 0.88 Our best estimate of 0.19 W m-2 is much lower than IPCC recommendation of 0.65 ( ) W m-2 IPCC value is from models that greatly overestimate BC in upper troposphere BC is much less important for climate forcing than stated in IPCC Wang et al., 2014

18 Atmospheric methane: long-term trends are not understood
the last 1000 years the last 30 years E. Dlugokencky, NOAA Source attribution is difficult due to diversity, complexity of sources Livestock 90 Landfills 70 Gas 60 Coal 40 Rice Other natural Wetlands 180 Fires 50 Global sources, Tg a-1 Individual sources uncertain by at least factor of 2; emission factors are highly variable, poorly constrained

19 Satellite data as constraints on methane emissions
“Bottom-up” emissions (EDGAR): best understanding of processes Satellite data for methane columns 537 Tg a-1 Optimal estimate inversion using GEOS-Chem model adjoint Ratio of optimal estimate to bottom-up emissions Turner et al., submitted

20 Basics of inverse modeling
Optimize state vector x (emissions) using obs vector y (atm. concentrations) Observations y + εI atmospheric concentrations from satellite, aircraft Minimize cost function with error weighting, xA regularization Prior estimate xA + εA Bottom-up inventory Posterior estimate Analytical or numerical (variational) method Forward model yM = F(x) + εM GEOS-Chem chemical transport model

21 Using satellite data for high-resolution inversion of methane emissions in North America
EDGAR emission Inventory for methane

22 Bottom-up methane emissions for N. America (2009-2011)
CONUS anthropogenic emissions: 25 Tg a-1 (EDGAR) 27 Tg a-1 (EPA) 8 oil/gas 9 livestock 6 waste 3 coal total: 63 Tg a-1 wetlands: 20 livestock: 14 oil/gas: 11 waste: 10 coal: 4 Turner et al., submitted

23 Global inversion of GOSAT data feeds boundary conditions for North American inversion
GOSAT observations, Dynamic boundary conditions Analytical inversion with 369 Gaussians Adjoint-based inversion at 4ox5o resolution correction factors to EDGAR v4.2 + LPJ prior Turner et al., submitted

24 Correction factors to bottom-up inventory
CONUS anthropogenic emission of Tg a-1 vs. EPA value of 27 Tg a-1 Livestock source is underestimated by EPA; What about oil/gas? Turner et al., submitted

25 Methane emissions in CONUS: comparison to previous studies, attribution to source types
Ranges from prior error assumptions 2004 satellite 2007 surface, aircraft satellite EPA national inventory underestimates anthropogenic emissions by 30% Livestock is a contributor: oil/gas production probably also Turner et al., submitted

26 Future of satellite observations for methane monitoring
Methane is readily observable over land by solar backscatter at 1.6/2.3 µm Methane column Backscattered intensity IB absorption Scattering by Earth surface l1 l2 wavelength GOSAT (2009-): high-quality 5x5 km2 pixels but sparse TROPOMI (2016 launch): global daily coverage with 7x7 km2 pixels Geostationary (proposed): hourly coverage over N America with 2x2 km2 pixels

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