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Review for Summative Exam

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1 Review for Summative Exam

2 Irony Situational- when there is a contrast in we expect to happen and what really occurs. Dramatic- when the reader knows more than the characters know. Verbal-when you say one thing, but really mean something else. (aka. Sarcasm)

3 Chronological Order Chronological order – The time order of which things happen. Example: It the story is being told today, but involves things from ten years ago. What actually happened first. The stuff ten years ago. 

4 Foreshadowing Foreshadowing – hints about what is to come.
Example: If you tell me to make sure that I am in the hallway because something “cool” is going to happen. Did you tell me what was going down? No Will I be out there because I know something is going happen  duh!

5 Motivation Motivation – has to do with what is driving the character, story, plot, etc. Basically it is giving you the reason for the persons actions. Example: If you see me running in a race your like oh Ms. Fraley runs. However if I am in all pink and knowing that I support cancer awareness you know have my motivator. Motivator = Motivation

6 Characterization Indirect – Shows rather than telling what the character is like. You are going to have to infer what the character is like. Direct- you will be told directly what the character is like. It will be an upfront message, example: someone coming up and telling you directly what they think.

7 Characters - Characterization
You can always tell the type of person someone is through their ACTIONS. Characters are the same, they show who they are by what they do. Flat- only 1-2 characteristics is known. Round- tons of characteristics, almost life-like because of detail. Static- character does not change over the course of the story. Dynamic- character undergoes a transformation throughout the story.

8 Points of View (POV) First Person- usually a character in the story.
First Person Unreliable- all the characteristics of the first person, but they are not honest, or could not be telling the whole truth. Third Person Omniscient- person telling the story knows everything. ALL-KNOWING  Third Person Objective- You don’t know the opinion of the characters. You don’t know much . Third Person Limited – you know only about one characters view.

9 Flashback Flashback- happens in the past. If it happened ten minutes ago, last week, or last year it is a flashback. Occurred in the past 

10 Conflict Internal – Happens within the character.
External- Something outside the character is causing the problem.

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