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"Pizza Celentano" - Ukrainian largest pizza chain with over 170 restaurants in 54 cities of Ukraine.

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Presentation on theme: ""Pizza Celentano" - Ukrainian largest pizza chain with over 170 restaurants in 54 cities of Ukraine."— Presentation transcript:


2 "Pizza Celentano" - Ukrainian largest pizza chain with over 170 restaurants in 54 cities of Ukraine.

3 Over 15 years in the restaurant chain has sold a record number of pizzas - this figure is steadily approaching 100 million, and that of 2 pizzas for every Ukrainian!

4 Fast food restaurants "Celentano's" always nearby, near the house or office, in your city or in business trip, on weekdays, holidays and days off.

5 Do you wish for something new
Do you wish for something new? Experiment with healthy and appetite meals, which pleasant to you!

6 If it is possible to add, for example,
10 fillings to pizza, the quantity of various options will be equal to 1023. Each combination emphasizes identity and gives the maximum pleasure from pizza on your taste.

7 They offer dishes only from the fresh products, rich on microcells, vitamins and minerals. Paste, pancakes, salads, soups, drinks, desserts and coffee. All dishes are created to strike your taste.

8 Original interiors, the attentive personnel and permanently positive atmosphere are waiting for you.

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