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Addition and subtraction- PowerPoint months

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Presentation on theme: "Addition and subtraction- PowerPoint months"— Presentation transcript:

1 Addition and subtraction- PowerPoint 40-60 months
This powerpoint can be used to support the teaching of ‘Number’ targeted towards the month age band.

2 Teachers tip: This can be used once the children become more familiar with using a number line to solve problems. Alliterate whether they need to move forwards or backwards on the number line. How do you know? Why not make your own individual number lines and get the children to solve the problem alongside you.

3 9-4= 5

4 8-6= 2

5 3+4= 7

6 10-2= 8

7 2+4= 6

8 7+2= 9

9 8-6= 2

10 6+3= 9

11 7-5= 2

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