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INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TÉCNICO Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Taguspark Alameda ONE SCHOOL, TWO CAMPUSES QUESTE-SI Project Paris 9-10 Dec11 Marta Pile Institutional.

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Presentation on theme: "INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TÉCNICO Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Taguspark Alameda ONE SCHOOL, TWO CAMPUSES QUESTE-SI Project Paris 9-10 Dec11 Marta Pile Institutional."— Presentation transcript:

1 INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TÉCNICO Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Taguspark Alameda ONE SCHOOL, TWO CAMPUSES QUESTE-SI Project Paris 9-10 Dec11 Marta Pile Institutional Studies and Planning Office

2 INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TÉCNICO Universidade Técnica de Lisboa 2 The MISSION OF IST is to contribute to the development of society by providing high quality Education in the areas of Engineering, Science and Technology, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels as well as lifelong learning, and by carrying out Research, Development and Innovation activities in accordance with the highest international standards. Education Links with Society R&D QUESTE-SI Project, Paris 9-10 Dec11

3 INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TÉCNICO Universidade Técnica de Lisboa 3 Facts and figures: a snapshot of IST # Students% B.Sc5,85457% M.Sc3,31943% PhD and 3rd Cycle1,058 Total10,231100% # Programs% B.Sc1929% M.Sc2432% Phd2839% Total71100% # International Students% M.Sc38012% PhD16016% Total54014% # Staff% Faculty1,03061% Admin65039% Total1,680100% # Structure% Departments8 R&D Centers29 Associate Labs7 # Budget (M)% Direct State Fund5040% Competitive Fund7560% Total125100% QUESTE-SI Project, Paris 9-10 Dec11

4 INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TÉCNICO Universidade Técnica de Lisboa 4 S&T Parks, Agencies and Centres S&T Parks TAGUSPARK PTM/A E-NOVA CPIN OEINERGECINTEC Energy Agencies LISPOLIS Incubation Centres QUESTE-SI Project, Paris 9-10 Dec11

5 INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TÉCNICO Universidade Técnica de Lisboa 5 Joint Degrees* MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) CMU (Carnegie Mellon University) UT/Austin (University of Texas at Austin) EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne) TIME Politecnico di Milano; Università Padova; Università Trento; Moscow; Écoles Centrales Paris, Lille, Lyon, Nantes. CLUSTER KTH (Sweden), UPC (Spain), TKK (Finland), UCL (Belgium) Joint: understood as joint, dual, double or in collaboration. QUESTE-SI Project, Paris 9-10 Dec11

6 INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TÉCNICO Universidade Técnica de Lisboa 6 Environment and Energy Control, Automation and Industrial Informatics Applied Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering Computational Structural Mechanics Mechanical Project and Strutural Materials Manufacturingand Industrial Management Thermofluids and Technologies of Energy Conversion Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Scientific Areas MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Organization QUESTE-SI Project, Paris 9-10 Dec11

7 INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TÉCNICO Universidade Técnica de Lisboa TEACHING 1st and 2nd CYCLES3rd CYCLE Responsability Mechanical Engineering Aerospace Engineering Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Participation Environmental Engineering Materials Engineering Industrial Management Engineering Biomedical Engineering Informatics and Computer Engineering Doctoral Degrees (PhD) Mechanical Engineering Aerospace Engineering Environmental Engineering Engineering and Industrial Management Naval Engineering Sustainable Energy Systems (MIT – PORTUGAL ) RESEARCH IDMECICEMS IN+ MARETECCENTEC MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT LINKS TO SOCIETY Projects International National Direct Partnerships Industrial Companies Academic Institutions Scientific Institutions Advanced Studies Advanced Training Sustainable Energy Systems Technology Management Enterprise QUESTE-SI Project, Paris 9-10 Dec11 7

8 INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TÉCNICO Universidade Técnica de Lisboa IN + IN + CENTER FOR INNOVATION, TECHNOLOGY AND POLICY RESEARCH Besides basic research in energy and environmental-related processes, IN+ undertakes interdisciplinary research involving technology and policy, promoting ways in which industrial development can proceed in a sustainable and socially responsible manner. Laboratory of Technology, Policy and Management of Technology Laboratory of Thermofluids, Combustion and Energy Systems Laboratory of Environmental Systems multidisciplinary activities, linking basic and applied research to technology development 26 Doctorates 45 Assistant Researchers QUESTE-SI Project, Paris 9-10 Dec11 8

9 INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TÉCNICO Universidade Técnica de Lisboa IN + IN + CENTER FOR INNOVATION, TECHNOLOGY AND POLICY RESEARCH m Training and career development m Leaders for Technical Industries IST, FEUP, Universidade do Minho (UMinho) and MIT Sustainable Energy Systems IST, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão and MIT Technological Changes and Entrepreneurship IST, School of Business of the Catholic University, and Carnegie Mellon University Engineering and Public Policy IST and Carnegie Mellon University, USA Completed 10 PhD and 25 MsC in the last three years Supervision of 15 PhD Students and 31 MsC Students Research Outreach International Conferences on Technology Policy and Innovation International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems Scientific Associations UT Austin |PORTUGAL - University Technology Enterprise Network Combustion Institute Institute of Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems Thermodynamics Sustainable Mobility Industrial Ecology and Ecological Economics Energy and Economic Growth Extractive Metallurgy and Recycling Combustion and Energy Systems Liquid Atomization and Sprays Systems QUESTE-SI Project, Paris 9-10 Dec11 9

10 INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TÉCNICO Universidade Técnica de Lisboa QUESTE-SI Project, Paris 9-10 Dec11 10

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