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Alexandra Kuznetsova Biostatistician, Leo Pharma

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1 Alexandra Kuznetsova Biostatistician, Leo Pharma
Mixed models Alexandra Kuznetsova Biostatistician, Leo Pharma

2 Efficacy data Simulated data in an ADaM-like format
30 subjects with psoriasis skin disease were randomized to 3 treatment arms in 1:1:1. Treatments had a concentration of an active drug 1%, 2%, 3%. Effectiveness of the treatments was measured in terms of thickness and redness of the skin drug 1% Drug application Redness assessments drug 2% Thickness measurements drug 3% Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8

3 Efficacy data Thickness measured at Day 1 (baseline), Day 4, Day 6, Day 8 Redness measured at Day 1, Day2, Day3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8 Objective: compare treatments in terms of thickness, redness at Day 8

4 Efficacy data, redness Profile plots

5 Modelling, mixed model with one random subject effect
Main treatment effect Fixed effects Main day effect Day * treatment interaction effect Random effect Random subject effect

6 Modelling, mixed model with one random subject effect
Variance-covariance matrix of Redness:

7 Modelling, MMRM, spatial gaussian correlation
Variance-covariance matrix of Redness:

8 Mixed models, R lme4 package nlme package Fast, can handle large data
can handle multiple crossed effects User-friendly JSS ( nlme package Can handle variance covariance structures (MMRM) Well documented (Pinheiro and Bates, 2010) Difficult syntax Cannot handle multiple crossed random effects

9 lme4 package, CRAN

10 Other R- packages that depend on lme4

11 Useful packages that depend on lme4
emmeans for calculating least squares means, differences of least- squares means e t.c. pbkrtest for calculating Kenward-Roger’s adjusted F-statistics and denominator degrees of freedom lmerTest for calculating Satterthwaites degrees of freedom, Type Ⅲ hypothesis tests, step-wise selection

12 Mixed model, lme4

13 Modelling, mixed model with one random subject effect, lme4
Fixed effects Random effect NOTE: by default the first level in fixed effect is set to 0 (in SAS the last one) NOTE: check classes of variables before fitting a model! Estimates of the coefficients, REML, variance estimates F-tests for fixed effects

14 Modelling, mixed model with one random subject effect, lme4

15 nlme package, CRAN

16 Modelling, MMRM, nlme Fixed effects NOTE: ADY must be covariate!

17 Modelling, MMRM, nlme

18 MMRM. Treatment differences at Day 8

19 MMRM, unstructured covariance

20 Exercises, MMRM Use the same data dat_mmrm.csv. Subset the data for response variable thickness Plot the data Fit a model with a random scalar effect either using nlme package and gls function or lme4 package. Extend the model by adding correlation structure. Try different correlation structures. Use ?corClasses Make diagnostic plots Formulate a conclusion about difference between treatments at Day 8.

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