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Work Of The Church.

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Presentation on theme: "Work Of The Church."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work Of The Church

2 Introduction Why does the church exist?
What is the work of the church? The answer is found in the Bible-the Word of God The church is not to be in secular business—selling books, running hospitals etc.

3 Evangelism---Preaching The Gospel
Note what Jesus said just after his resurrection and before his ascension Mt. 29:19-20 Mk. 16:15-16 2 Tim. 4:2

4 Evangelism---Preaching The Gospel
The Books of Acts is filled with examples of the gospel being taught to lost souls! In all cases of conversion a preacher/teacher was there to teach the Will of the Lord

5 Evangelism---Preaching The Gospel
Who preached? Acts 8:4 What did they preach?—look at the Book of Acts & read the cases of conversion Christ was the Son of God What one must do to be saved

6 Evangelism---Preaching The Gospel
The work of the church Evangelism---Preaching The Gospel The items of worship The importance of the Christian’s life 1 Cor. 1:18 Organization and work of the church

7 Benevolence---Helping The Poor
Acts 2:44-45 Acts 6 Rom. 15:25-26 Who is to be helped? The needy of the church--widows, orphans, poor, old people, cases of emergencies etc.

8 Benevolence---Helping The Poor
Gal. 6:10 Those outside the church should be helped – all who are deserving Js. 1:27 This is a way of reaching people with the gospel

9 Benevolence---Helping The Poor
Where does the money come from for this good work? 1 Cor. 16:1-2 2 Cor. 9:6-7 Note that not all were helped -1 Tim. 5—only those who were in need

10 Edification---Helping The Members Of The Church Grow Spiritually
To edify means to build up, to strengthen, to encourage—it is to help the members of the church grow spiritually! What are some of the things that edify?

11 Edification---Helping The Members Of The Church Grow Spiritually
God’s Word Fellowship Engaging in worship Helping one another Good works Love etc

12 Edification---Helping The Members Of The Church Grow Spiritually
Acts 9:31 Rom. 14:19 Eph. 4:12 1 Th. 5:11

13 The work of the church Conclusion Many wonder how this can be done without a world wide organization -without a man as head of the church-without special fund-raising etc. THE LORD’S WAY IS BEST! Organization and work of the church

14 Conclusion God can be praised, honored and glorified only as we do His will and fulfill our purpose for being here The work of the church is for the purpose of saving souls and bringing glory to God

15 Conclusion This is the Lord’s church—this is it’s work and it’s mission

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