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Yavapai College Self Service Banner Training. Agenda Definition of Key Concepts Log Into Finance Self Service Budget Query Overview Budget Query Procedures.

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Presentation on theme: "Yavapai College Self Service Banner Training. Agenda Definition of Key Concepts Log Into Finance Self Service Budget Query Overview Budget Query Procedures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yavapai College Self Service Banner Training

2 Agenda Definition of Key Concepts Log Into Finance Self Service Budget Query Overview Budget Query Procedures – Budget Status by Account – Budget Status by Organizational Hierarchy – Budget Quick Query Agenda Page 2

3 Definition of Key Concepts Operating Ledger – The ledger which contains transaction data for departmental operating accounts. Fund – A four* digit code that identifies where the money is coming from (general fund, restricted grant, etc.). * - Federal grants that have a year-end other than June 30 have 6 numeric characters. Organization – A six digit code that identifies a unit of budgetary responsibility and/or departments within the institution. It is used to define who spends the money. Account – A four digit code that identifies what kind of revenues or expenses are being incurred. Program – A two digit code that identifies why you are spending the money, whether it be to instruct students, or to provide student services. Definition of Key Concepts Page 3

4 Log Into Finance Self Service Banner Self Service Application Login to the myYC portal Click the Finance Main Menu link under the My Services channel. Page 4

5 Page 5

6 Page 6

7 Page 7

8 Finance Self Service Budget Queries The Budget Queries link of Finance Self Service enables you to: – View operating ledger information for transactions entered through the Banner Finance. – Download the data to a Comma Separated Value (.csv) file for use with Microsoft Excel. You may create or retrieve three (3) query types: – Budget Status by Account – Budget Status by Organizational Hierarchy – Budget Quick Query Budget Query Overview Page 8

9 Budget Query Operating Ledger Data To define the operating ledger data that will display in the query results, select one or more of the following data values: –Adopted Budget –Budget Adjustment (an increase or decrease in budget) –Adjusted Budget* (= Adopted Budget +/– Budget Adjustments) –Temporary Budget (adjustments that will not roll over to next FY) –Accounted Budget (= Adopted Budget +/– Budget Adjustments) –Year to Date* (actual expenditures) –Encumbrances (= outstanding purchase orders) –Reservations (= outstanding requisitions) –Commitments* (= outstanding purchase orders & requisitions) –Available Balance* (Remaining budget ) * - The Budget Quick Query feature utlilizes these data values only and does not allow you to choose. Budget Query Overview Page 9

10 Budget Query Key Points To successfully generate a query, you must specify the following: – Fiscal Period (01=July, 02=August, 03=September, etc) – Fiscal Year – Chart of Accounts (Y) – Organization A wildcard (%) may be used for certain FOAP element parameters. The corresponding values for the FOAP element will display in the query results. You must have Fund/Organization query access. When a wildcard (%) is used, the system will retrieve data for the funds and organizations for which you have privileges. Comparison queries may be generated in which two fiscal periods and years may be compared. Budget Query Overview Page 10

11 Budget Status by Account Query This query is used to view budget information for one or more accounts for a specific fiscal period, fiscal year, and chart of accounts. The budget information displayed is based on the parameters you specify which may include: - Fund(s)- Program(s) - Organization(s)- Fund Type - Account(s)- Account Type Note – we are not using the Activity, Grant, Location and Index fields at this time. Budget Query Procedures Page 11

12 Budget Status by Account Query Budget Query Procedures Four (4) Level Drill-Down Capability Account Detail: Totals by account Transaction Detail: Transaction Date, Activity Date, Document Code, Description, Amount and Rule Class Document Detail with Related Documents View: Chart of Accounts, Fund, Organization, Account, Program, Amount and Rule Class View the actual document Account Detail Transaction Detail Document Detail Document Page 12

13 Create Budget Status by Account Query Budget Query Procedures Page 13

14 Click the checkbox for each operating ledger data value that you wish to display as a report column heading. Create Budget Status by Account Query Page 14

15 Commitment Type should always be All Page 15

16 Report Name Report Parameters Operating Ledger Data Columns Page 16

17 Click the highlighted account totals to view transaction-level detail. Page 17

18 Click the highlighted document code to view document detail. Page 18

19 Budget Status by Organizational Hierarchy Query This query is used to view budget information for one or more organizations for a specific fiscal period, fiscal year, commitment type, and chart of accounts. The budget information displayed is based on the parameters you specify which may include: – Fund(s) – Organization – Account(s) – Program(s) – Fund Type – Account Type – Revenue Accounts Budget Query Procedures Page 19

20 Create Budget Status by Organizational Hierarchy Query Budget Query Procedures Page 20

21 Click the checkbox for each operating ledger data value that you wish to display as a report column heading. Page 21

22 Page 22

23 Report Parameters Report Name Operating Ledger Data Columns Page 23

24 Click the account type code to view account type-level information. Page 24

25 Click the highlighted account totals to view transaction-level detail. Download options available Page 25

26 Click the highlighted document code to view document detail. Page 26

27 Budget Quick Query This query provides simplified access to the current status of a budget. The operating ledger data columns in the report results are predefined and include the following: – Adjusted Balance, Year to Date, Commitments, Available Balance The following report parameters are available: – Fiscal Year, Chart of Accounts, Fund, Organization, Account, Program A query template may be created and saved for future use. Budget Query Procedures Page 27

28 Budget Quick Query Budget Query Procedures Page 28

29 Page 29

30 Report Name Report Parameters Operating Ledger Data Columns Page 30

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