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Welcome Thank you for using this pre-visit resource. We believe this will help strengthen student learning leading up to and during your gallery visit.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Thank you for using this pre-visit resource. We believe this will help strengthen student learning leading up to and during your gallery visit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Thank you for using this pre-visit resource. We believe this will help strengthen student learning leading up to and during your gallery visit. Due to the different versions of Power point schools may use, please check for any formatting issues before you explore this presentation with your students. Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me. Jeremy Leatinu’u Education Coordinator ext 7703

2 Copycat Te Tuhi Pre-Visit / Lesson 4: Original and Copy

3 Welcome to Copycat During this lesson we will be exploring…
Original and Copy Image:

4 So lets explore what an ‘original’ looks like and what it means to ‘copy’…

5 The word copy means something trying to look exactly like another
The word original means something that is first, something not copied from The word copy means something trying to look exactly like another Which one of these paintings is the original? Which is the copy? Why? Original Copy Image:

6 We have seen how a painting can be copied…
But what other ways can we copy?

7 This person is using her body to move like the person in front of her…
We can move like someone else… This person is using her body to move like the person in front of her… Image:

8 We can pretend to sound like something else…
This girl is using a wooden call to attract small birds from the rainforest She is copying the sound of the birds chirp Image: Image:

9 We can dress like someone else…
Louis is dressed like the King of rock and roll Elvis Presley… He has copied the appearance of Elvis Presley… Image:

10 We can make copies of objects…
Big companies make exact copies of their products… This is because many people around the world want exactly the same thing… How many of us know someone who has the same thing you have? Image:

11 But what happens if we change or personalise

12 These 3 cars look exactly the same so they are copies…
But if we personalise or change one car and make it different from the others is this still a copy? Or has it become an original?

13 By personalising something we can make it different or original…

14 Personalising something can reflect who you are…
Because we are individual we tend to personalise things differently… This can show through some of the things we do…

15 If we all tried to paint the same thing…
We would see differences between our paintings This is because our individuality can show through the art we make What differences between these paintings can you see? Image:

16 If we were asked to make exactly the same colour…
Our individuality may shine through… and we may end up with different shades of colour Image:

17 If we were asked to all draw the same thing…
Would our drawings be different or exactly the same? Do these drawings look exactly the same? Or are they slightly different? Why?

18 So copying something by hand is very difficult because our individuality sometimes shines through…

19 Let’s reflect on what we So ‘Original’ and ‘Copy’ can be
have learnt so far… So ‘Original’ and ‘Copy’ can be any of these things

20 So what have we learnt so far?
Original… Means something that is first and not copied from A copy can become an original if we personalise it Copy… Means making something look exactly the same as another Can happen through body movement, sound and appearance Image:

21 Now that we have learnt about ‘orignal’ and ‘copy’, here is an exercise you can try…
Using your ‘symbols’ made in the previous exercise, create drawing of one symbol Copy your drawing by doing another drawing Then swap one drawing with a classmate and copy their drawing, then swap back By the end of this exercise everyone should have 3 drawings of the same symbol Compare each drawing with one another and discuss the differences between them

22 We look forward to having you all here
Heather Straka The Asian at Te Tuhi Centre for the Arts We look forward to having you all here Here is a glimps of the show you will see during your visit End of lesson

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