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IP snapshot – June 2017 High level summary of the A23 CPC.

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Presentation on theme: "IP snapshot – June 2017 High level summary of the A23 CPC."— Presentation transcript:

1 IP snapshot – June 2017 High level summary of the A23 CPC.

2 2017 June Summary It was an active month in the A23 CPC, with 511 new published applications or granted patents.

3 Filter Description Provides information about the monthly search. Results were narrowed so that only one in a family are represented, and restricted to A23 for the month of June.

4 Applicants View Indicates the applications for the month of June – the larger the text, the more applications relatie to others. May provide a leading indicator into areas of future innovation interest, but is a lagging indicator to research conducted on these topics.

5 Academic View Indicates the academic applicants for the month of June – the larger the text, the more applications relatie to others. Can give direction into invesigators and approaches for the various ingredients and technologies.

6 Country of Applicant Provides country level location for the application in this month.

7 Domain Provides a high level indication of the area in which the applications are addressed. Can be used to further narrow down on applications of interest.

8 Terms Provides explanation for some of the main acronyms used in the applications for this month.

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