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Evidence of Evolution.

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1 Evidence of Evolution

2 Evidence Ted Ed proof of evolution on you

3 RCC…..NAME:___________
What is the {scientific} age of the earth? Can an individual evolve? Explain Evolution by Natural Selection in one sentence.

4 ANSWERS 4.5 billion years or 4.5X109
NO… an individual can not evolve – it can only survive to reproduce and increase the % of the population that had the genes or trait (or adaptation) that made it possible to survive. MORE organisms are born than can survive, SOME have different traits, THOSE with successful traits live, THEY reproduce copies of themselves. THIS change in population over time IS EVOLUTION

5 EVOLUTION Objectives: Review evolution by natural selection
Discuss types of evolution Evidence of Evolution Stick bug lab

6 DO Pages 19-32 for Wednesday

7 TYPES OF EVOLUTION Convergent Divergent Parallel Artificial Selection

8 CONVERGENT EVOLUTION This is when two totally different species develop similar traits. They have come up with the same solution to a problem but from different directions or environments. It's not a conscious choice to develop an eye or a way of hearing. Outside natural factors create a situation where that skill is a benefit. VIDEO

9 CONVERGENT EVOLUTION For example, you are a plant and I am an animal. We both have animals hunting us and eating us. We need protection. So we both develop spines to poke the hunters. The spines are made in different ways but do the same job. You are a cactus and I am a porcupine.


11 Parallel Evolution An evolutionary process by which two or more different species in the same environment develop similar adaptation or characteristic for survival.

12 Parallel Evolution Parallel evolution is similar to convergent evolution in a way that two unrelated species evolved similar traits. However, in parallel evolution, the two species evolved same traits while living in the same type of environment whereas in convergent evolution the two species evolved same traits in separate types of environment.

13 Parallel Example North American cactus and the African euphorbia that developed similar adaptation, which is their thick stems and sharp quills to survive the hot, arid climates. These two plant species are of different plant families but live in the same type of environment.

14 DIVERGENT EVOLUTION This is when your development starts at one place and splits in different directions. We start as the same species, but then as more generations develop, my group becomes good at one thing and yours at another, in different environments .

15 DIVERGENT EVOLUTION Bird beaks are a good example for this one. One species of bird can develop in different directions depending on what type of food it eats. Their beaks develop different shapes after many generations. Charles Darwin used bird development in many of his scientific papers.

16 ADAPTIVE RADIATION In a new environment (like an island) - divergent evolution will happen until the population fills many parts of the environment. WHAT DOES THIS REMIND YOU OF?


18 Darwin’s Finches

19 EVIDENCE OF EVOLUTION BOZEMAN VIDEO Homology VS Analogous Structures?


21 VIDEOS Comparative anatomy

22 Homologous Structures
Homology – Structures of anatomy (parts of the body) in different species that originated by heredity (from genes) from a common ancestor. These structures are alike due to their similar embryonic origin. But although they have similar body structures, the functions are different depending on the organism and function.

23 EXAMPLE: Hand Bones Evolution has shaped hand bones to perform different functions. Human hands have evolved to grab and hold things, while seal and whale "hands" have evolved into flippers to help with swimming. Similar structures having different functions: homologous!

24 Analogous Structures Parts of the body that have closely related functions but do not derive from a closely related common ancestor.

25 EXAMPLE: WINGS Their common form was determined by their common function. Consider the wing of a pterodactyl, a flying reptile, a bird, and a bat, a mammal. Analysis of these structures indicates that they are distinctly different from one another. (although they have like parts)

26 HOMOLOGY VS ANALOGY Video More as evidence

27 Vestigial Structures Structures that seem to have no function or purpose but resemble those that do have purpose in related organisms. Example: Human tailbone: useless for us, but is designed with 4 fused bones that resemble animal tails. VIDEO

28 EVIDENCE OF EVOLUTION Bozeman 2 natural selection SciSHow
EVOLUTION PRODUCES (bio)DIVERSITY…. Next class: Coevolution, Resistance, Artificial Selection

29 PACKET Read through the packet and do questions pages DUE WEDNESDAY

30 Stick bug lab student directions
OR online pHet Lab

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