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About the human rights issues relating to indigenous populations.

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1 About the human rights issues relating to indigenous populations.
What am I learning? About the human rights issues relating to indigenous populations.

2 They live in tribes in the forest (eg. The Amazon).
Native people of Brazil. They live in tribes in the forest (eg. The Amazon). They have little contact with the outside world. They want to maintain control of their land. Who are they? Most famous tribes are the Yanomami Indians and the Amazonian Indians. They are hunter gathers who live off of the animals and fruits in the forest.

3 THE GOLD RUSH Gold was discovered nearby the Yanomami settlements and it attracted thousands of poor Brazilians in their hunt for gold.

4 The miners use mercury to separate the gold
The miners use mercury to separate the gold. They then dump it in the rivers. The mercury is absorbed by the trees and shrubs and by the animals. As the mercury builds up it can affect the development of children. Infant mortality rates are rising. New types of diseases are emerging: malaria, yellow fever and TB.

5 LOGGING People illegally cut down trees in the Amazon to make doors, furniture, etc. Cleared vast areas of land. Difficult to catch people because Amazon is so big.

6 CATTLE RANCHING Large companies buy parts of the forest to rear cattle for beef and sell it to the USA and Europe. They hire gun men to kill the Native Indians who resist (eg. Haximu massacre). Operation Amazon Tax incentives encourages companies to set up here

7 Hydro-Electric Power Schemes
HEP stations provide water and energy for industry (factories), transport and domestic (eg. Houses). This develops the economy. Flooded vast areas and Native Indians lost land.

8 Hydro-Electric Power schemes (HEP) Gold Rush miners
Who stops the Indigenous population (Native Indians) from getting their human rights? Logging companies Transport Money seeking politicians Cattle ranchers

9 There are several aid projects and government schemes that try to support Native Indians. Describe how the following projects help support the Native Indian groups. The Government protecting the land- - p.139 Reform in the Constitution- p.141 Decree 1775 p.141 Sociedad Civil Mamiraua-p.142 Green Life Association –p.142

10 NAB/ PRELIM Groups who face problems achieving their human rights
Explain why Relevant examples

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