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Psalm 19:1-3.

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Presentation on theme: "Psalm 19:1-3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psalm 19:1-3

2 1 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
2 Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. 3 There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard. Psalm 19:1-3

3 Definition Many “powers” & “forces” in this world
Is there a SUPREME power in our universe? If there is, has He revealed Himself to us? If there is, has He revealed Himself to me & you? If there is, am I accountable to Him? Many gods exist: “Mother nature” Idols of wood and metal—results in polytheism Idols of green paper God is simply a combination of all gods

4 Evidence Something is—something is eternal
Only two possible “somethings” Matter Mind

5 Evidence Something is—something is eternal
Only two possible “somethings” God is: design demands a designer A house demands a builder A watch demands a watchmaker A camera demands a maker A heart machine demands a builder A computer & a brain demands designer

6 Evidence Something is—something is eternal
Only two possible “somethings” God is: design demands a designer God is: movement demands a mover God is: life demands a life-giver Therefore some “Mind” has always been

7 Evidence That God is the God of the Bible
By creation you can know there is a Builder But creation cannot teach us His will Examine origin of all religions Examine founders of all religions Is there evidence of Supreme One in them? Jesus is evidence of Christianity’s uniqueness Jesus is a man of history—Bible is unique

8 A Challenge The folly of not considering this topic Read the Bible
To see Jesus is to see God—merciful, kind, compassionate, resurrected, the only way to heaven, started a church & the final Judge “Come and see” – we want to help Jesus promised an eternal, unchanging church—is that church in this place?

9 What Does He Expect of Us
Study His word, to hear Him Rom. 10:17 To believe that Jesus is Lord Rom. 10:9 To repent, commit to Him Acts 17:30 To confess you believe in Him Rom. 10:10 To be immersed into Him Acts 2:38 To serve Him faithfully Rev. 2:10

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