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What is Motion A change in the objects position based on a reference point.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Motion A change in the objects position based on a reference point."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Motion A change in the objects position based on a reference point

2 Motion can be described using SPEED
The amount of time it takes for an object to move a particular distance The equation is distance / time How have you seen speed measured?

3 Units used for speed Miles per hour…..mph Meters per seconds…..m/s
The units for speed are always represented by a unit of length divided by a unit for time.

4 Motion can also be described using VELOCITY
Velocity is also the measure of distance in a given time, but ALWAYS CONTAINS A DIRECTION 50 MPH to the right 4 M/S to the left

5 So…..what is the difference between speed and velocity?
Direction Cardinal directions (N, S, E, or W) Positive (+) or Negative (-) signs

6 Speed Is scalar What is a scale? A standard measurement
So scalar is a measurement that includes a number and a unit Magnitude is term we use to identify the number which represents a size

7 Velocity Is vector What is a vector? A measurement that includes
Magnitude (a number) Units Direction

8 Numbers in Science All numbers that we use in science represent information…. A distance (cm, m, in, ft) An amount of time (s, min, hr) A rate (mph, m/s, m/s2) Because each number defines information all numbers must include a unit.

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