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MS-Windows Programming

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1 MS-Windows Programming
Assembly Language MS-Windows Programming

2 Batch File make32.bat REM make32.bat - Batch file for assembling/linking 32-bit Assembly programs REM Revised: 11/15/01 @echo off cls REM The following three lines can be customized for your system: REM ********************************************BEGIN customize

3 SET PATH=C:\Masm615; C:\masm32\bin
SET INCLUDE=C:\Masm615\INCLUDE; C:\masm32\include SET LIB=C:\Masm615\LIB; C:\masm32\lib REM ********************************************END customize ML -Zi -c -Fl -coff %1.asm if errorlevel 1 goto terminate if exist %1.rc ( rc %1.rc )

4 REM add the /MAP option for a map file in the link command.
if exist %1.res ( LINK32 %1.obj %1.res irvine32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /DEBUG goto next ) LINK32 %1.obj irvine32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /DEBUG :next if errorLevel 1 goto terminate dir %1.*

5 :terminate pause

6 Example WinApp.asm

7 MASM32 can be downloaded from masmlib.hlp help file can be found after installing MASM32

8 Turorials or

9 Exercise 1 Write a program to calculate the sum of 1 to n. AddSub.exe

10 Due date: 95/12/28 Zip your files as a09xxxxx_ zip

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