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<html> <head> <title> Lists in HTML PowerPoint </title> </head> <body> How to create lists in HTML </body> </html>

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1 <html> <head> <title> Lists in HTML PowerPoint </title> </head> <body> How to create lists in HTML </body> </html>

2 Creating Lists in HTML 3 types of lists Unordered list Ordered list
Bulleted items Ordered list Numbered items Definition List a list of items, with a description of each item

3 Unordered Lists in HTML
The tag for a bulleted list is <ul> & </ul> Each item is surrounded with the open and close <li> tag (li = list item) Bullets can be changed to squares or circles with the optional code type=“square” or type=”circle” in the <ul> tag. Code View <ul> <li>Milk</li> <li>Eggs</li> </ul> -- Browser View Milk Eggs

4 Ordered Lists in HTML The tag for a numbered list is <ol> & </ol> Each item is surrounded with the open and close <li> tag (li = list item) List items will be numbered Numbers can be changed to a, A, i, or I with the optional code type=“a”, type=“A”, etc in the <ol> tag. Code View <ol> <li>George Washington</li> <li>John Adams</li> </ol> -- Browser View 1. George Washington 2. Johns Adam

5 Definition Lists in HTML
The tag for this list is <dl> & </dl> Each term is surrounded with the <dt> tag and each description is surrounded with the <dd> tag Code View <dl> <dt>Electron</dt> <dd>- carries a negative electric charge</dd> <dt>Neutron</dt> <dd>- carries no electric charge</dd> </dl> -- Browser View Electron - carries a negative electric charge Neutron - carries no electric charge

6 Lists in HTML – REVIEW Ordered lists <ol> produce numbered lists
Unordered lists <ul> produce bulleted lists Each item in an ordered list & unordered list is surrounded with the <li> tag Definition lists <dl> produce terms with definitions Each term in a definition list is surrounded with the <dt> tag and each description is surrounded with the <dd> tag.

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