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About me..

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1 About me.

2 Backstory My name is Farhaan Adam.
My date of birth is 1st October 2000. Live in a family of six. I have spent all my time in Preston going to St Matthews primary school and Corpus Christi Catholic high school. I support Arsenal FC. The first game that I properly played was PES 2006 I am also a big Star Wars fan.

3 Hobbies Growing up I used to enjoy writing and drawing a lot. It allowed me to be creative and make things that I would enjoy. As I got older I started to play a lot of football. I like to be competitive and winning. I play football because I have seen many great player in my time. Playing games is something that I have done since the age of five. I enjoy them because it allows me to get immersed in stories that you can’t in real life.

4 My favourite game My favourite game is Dragon age Origins. This is because it has great character development that really drives the story forward. The game also immerses you into it by allowing you to make choices that can change the outcome of events. It also allows you to make your hero and choose their origin giving it a more personal touch. Finally, the companions and the NPCs in the game are very different to what you expect in a game that was released in It added to the war torn atmosphere that was built around you making it a wonderful and repeatable experience.

5 Why I chose this course Playing a lot of games I have grown up wondering how they actually do it. This had inspired me to seek a education in game design to see what happens. I have always liked to share my ideas with people and taking part in discussions. In the future I plan to go to university and continue with the games design course before hopefully getting a job in the industry.

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