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Appropriation Appropriate: to take possession of something, usually unlawfully or without authority.

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Presentation on theme: "Appropriation Appropriate: to take possession of something, usually unlawfully or without authority."— Presentation transcript:

1 appropriation Appropriate: to take possession of something, usually unlawfully or without authority

2 Cultural Appropriation

3 A Cowichan Sweater

4 Other examples of cultural appropriation?
Tattoos Mohawks Food… “gangsters”

5 Resource Appropriation
Use of resources for ones’ benefit. Colonialism changed how Aboriginal people lived… Stewardship vs. Capitalism 1880’s Canada’s Fisheries Act passed laws creating the legal category of “food fishing”. This law said that under their Aboriginal fishing rights, FNS could use salmon resources for food and ceremonial uses only. The effect of this law was to forbid the sale of fish caught by FNS pple within their traditional fisheries. As a result, FNS lost their traditional and customary ownership of fishing resources.

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