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Banking What is a bank? Banks are financial institutions that accept deposits from customers and lend money. These entities are for profit. What is a.

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Presentation on theme: "Banking What is a bank? Banks are financial institutions that accept deposits from customers and lend money. These entities are for profit. What is a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Banking What is a bank? Banks are financial institutions that accept deposits from customers and lend money. These entities are for profit. What is a commercial bank? Commercial banks offer a full range of financial services such as deposits, transferring funds, lending money, storing valuables (in safe deposit boxes), providing financial advice and investment services, and managing trusts. What is a credit union? A not-for-profit financial institution formed by people who have like occupations or live in the same community.


3 Checking Account What are the advantages to having a checking account?
Convenience, safety, proof of payment and record of finances. In Opening a Checking Account, you must be approved by the bank. You need to fill out a signature card so that the bank has a copy of your signature on file and helps aid in the protection of fraud.

4 Checking Account cont. Deposits are putting money into your checking account at a bank. You can put your deposit in the bank using a deposit slip





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