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Class Teachers: Mrs Boxell, Miss Lentz, Mrs Woodward and Mr Booth.

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Presentation on theme: "Class Teachers: Mrs Boxell, Miss Lentz, Mrs Woodward and Mr Booth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class Teachers: Mrs Boxell, Miss Lentz, Mrs Woodward and Mr Booth.
Year Class Teachers: Mrs Boxell, Miss Lentz, Mrs Woodward and Mr Booth.

2 How are the classes arranged?
This year, the classes coming up from Banstead Infants have remained the same. There are also children from other schools joining the cohort. How are the classes arranged?

3 What happens during the transition?
Children have already been over for a transition craft morning – this was last Friday. Children will come for their ‘walkabout’ of the school, to familiarise themselves. At the beginning of July, children will come over for a Buddy Morning, where they will meet the current Year 3’s. Children will be given a buddy they can talk to about the Junior School or find on the playground. All the classes will have a worry box where children can ask questions. What happens during the transition?

4 What happens on the first day?
The school day starts promptly at 8:55 but children can enter the playground from 8:40. On the first day you will need to accompany your child into the playground where they will be met by their class teacher. The children will be taken to their classroom and shown where to put their things. Children will also be shown where the cloakrooms and toilets are. The children will be shown where to go for break, how to line up etc and will also be looked after by their buddy. What happens on the first day?

5 What happens on the first day?
Children should bring a reading book and if possible, a postcard or souvenir from a place they have visited over the summer to share with the rest of the class. At the end of each school day the teacher will take the children to the ‘BCJS Base’ to meet their adult. Could we ask that parents come inside the BCJS Base and are visible to their children before the children leave. What happens on the first day?

6 How will the school get in touch with me?
Parentmail – direct messages from the school and weekly parent mail. Parents Evenings – these are held twice a year. Target cards – sent home twice throughout the year. Before or after school – please feel free to speak to your child’s teacher in the BCJS Base or them to arrange a meeting. Website – photos, documents, term dates and school closures. How will the school get in touch with me?

7 What homework will my child receive?
Any homework set will be detailed in the weekly Parentmail. Maths homework will be given weekly (usually on a Tuesday) although, in addition to this, we encourage very regular practise of times tables. Mathletics is also a great online resource where the children can practise and reinforce objectives covered in class. Spelling homework will be given weekly. Children should read to an adult at least 3 times a week. Any other homework (special projects) may happen occasionally. What homework will my child receive?

8 The children have a choice between school dinners and packed lunches.
The menu is regularly updated and has a main, vegetarian and jacket potato option. This menu can be found on the website. The teacher will take their order in the morning and they will get a corresponding coloured wristband – which they need to keep on until lunchtime. You pay via Parent Pay Lunches

9 What does my child need to bring to school?
A reading book. A small pencil case including: Writing pencils Rubber Pencil sharpener Coloured pencils (not pens) Glue stick (named please) Ruler Scissors Whiteboard pens Coloured highlighter A purple pen (not gel or felt tip) Please make sure these are replenished regularly, we don’t have any to lend. What does my child need to bring to school?

10 What are the reward systems?
Team Points – in school we have 4 ‘teams’ of pupils across all years – Garnet, Emerald, Amber and Sapphire. Children will be assigned to a team when they start in September. During the day children may be given ‘Team Points’ which they record in their classroom. They can be awarded by any member of staff by anything they think is suitable – working hard, good behaviour, politeness, helpfulness etc. They are totalled each week and the winning team is awarded a cup in Assembly. There is a mufti day at the end of each term for the overall winning team. What are the reward systems?

11 What are the reward systems?
Merits – each week, four children are chosen by their class teacher to be awarded a merit for hard work, improvements in their work or attitude etc. The list of children is read out and celebrated in assembly and listed on the school website. Attendance awards – 100% attendance. Head teacher's award – Each term two children from each class are awarded a head teacher's award. Class reward system What are the reward systems?

12 Any questions?

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