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Word of the Day Tribune – person chosen to represent the Plebeian class in Roman government.

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1 Word of the Day Tribune – person chosen to represent the Plebeian class in Roman government

2 Rome

3 Plebeians Patricians Wealthy and powerful Could hold public office Only allowed to marry patricians Common and working class. Could not hold public office (at first) Only allowed to marry plebeians. Citizens Taxed Allowed in Roman Army

4 Roman Society From the beginning of the Roman Republic, Patricians and Plebeians were in conflict. Patricians were members of the oldest and richest families. They were very powerful.

5 Roman Society Plebeians were working class citizens, like farmers, craftsmen, and laborers. They had little power.

6 Roman Slaves Just like in Greece, the Romans had slaves.
Many slaves were from conquered lands. Slaves did almost every job in Rome, but had no power. 1/3 of all Romans were slaves

7 The Republic Republic – A form of government where citizens vote to elect representatives to manage the affairs of government. Senators – 300 members chosen from the patrician class Consuls – 2 Senators chosen by the rest of the Senate to run the empire Elected for one-year term Served as administrators and military leaders.

8 The Republic Plebeians were eventually given the right to elect two tribunes or consuls to represent them. The main role of the tribunes was to protect the rights of the plebeian class. They could sit outside the Senate chamber and shout “Veto” – I forbid – if they disagreed with a law.


10 The Republic Rome became a bicameral government – made up of two government houses. Upper Class (Patricians) – Senate/Senators Common People (Plebeians) – Assembly/Tribunes

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