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Moving Systems: Mint Racers

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Presentation on theme: "Moving Systems: Mint Racers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Moving Systems: Mint Racers
Race Team Members: Aadya & Aiden

2 The Challenge To design and create a car that will roll down a track at the fastest possible speed. You only have $700 to purchase supplies to construct your car. at

3 Materials Budget Item Cost per Item Number Purchased Total Cost
Lifesaver Mints $75  4  $300 Straw $100 Popsicle Stick $50 Masking tape – 12” $50  Notebook Card $25 Paper Clips $100  Total Spent $450 

4 Car 1 Test Results Time Seconds:3 Distance Feet:10 ft

5 Improving our Design Our Goal: To make our wheels roll, make it lighter, and make it smaller. With our $200 we purchased: straw and fresh tape. We used the mints we already has.

6 Car 2 Test Results Time Seconds: 3.30 Distance Feet: 10 ft.

7 Design Process Strength Coming up with the idea for the car and spending money wisely. Future Goal Make it faster Thinking twice on how to build Making the car lighter Making the car stable Making the car look nice too

8 Strength We both compromised something if we couldn't decide.
Team Collaboration Strength We both compromised something if we couldn't decide. Future Goal Spreading the work evenly Not goofing off Not letting one person do all the work

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