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Geometry 4.5 Dilations.

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1 Geometry 4.5 Dilations

2 4.5 Warm Up Day 1 Use the graph to find the indicated length.
Find the length of Find the length of 𝐷𝐸 and 𝐸𝐹 𝐵𝐶 and 𝐴𝐶 February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

3 4.5 Warm Up Day 2 Plot the points in a coordinate plane. Then determine whether the quadrilaterals are congruent. 1. A(-3, 4), B(-3, 7), C(3, -4), D(3, -1) 2. E(7, -2), F(2, -2), G(3, -4), H(5, -4) 3. I(9, 2), J(0, 2), K(6, 9), L(6, 2) 4. M(7, -9), N(7, 0), P(8, -3), Q(-1, -3) February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

4 4.5 Essential Question What does it mean to dilate a figure?
February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

5 Goals Identify Dilations Make drawings using dilations.
February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

6 Rigid Transformations
Rotations Translations These were isometries: The pre-image and the image were congruent. February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

7 Dilation Dilations are non-rigid transformations.
The pre-image and image are similar, but not congruent. February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

8 Dilation February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

9 Dilation Enlargement February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

10 Dilation Reduction February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

11 Dilation R S C T Center of Dilation February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

12 Dilation R R S C T Center of Dilation 2CR CR CR February 28, 2019
4.5 Dilations

13 Dilation R R S S C T Center of Dilation 2CR CR 2CS CS CR CS
February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

14 Dilation R R S S C T Center of Dilation T 2CR CR 2CS CS CR CS CT CT
February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

15 Dilation RST ~ RST R R S S C T Center of Dilation T 2CR CR 2CS
February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

16 Dilation Definition A dilation with center C and scale factor k is a transformation that maps every point P to a point P’ so that the following properties are true: If P is not the center point C, then the image point P’ lies on CP. The scale factor k is an integer such that k  1 and 2. If P is the center point C, then P = P’. 3. The dilation is a reduction if 0 < |k| < 1, and an enlargement if |k| > 1. February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

17 Dilation Enlargement Scale Factor R R S S C T Center of Dilation T
2CR CR 2CS R S CR S CS CS C CT T Center of Dilation CT 2CT T Scale Factor February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

18 Example 1 Reduction What type of dilation is this? F G F’ G’ C K’ H’ H
February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

19 Example 1 What is the scale factor? F 45 G Notice: F’ G’ 15 k < 1
Reduction 15 12 36 February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

20 Example 2 Find the scale factor of the dilation. Then tell whether the dilation is a reduction or an enlargement 𝑘= 𝐶𝑃′ 𝐶𝑃 Notice: k > 1 Enlargement 𝑘= 12 8 𝑘= 3 2 February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

21 Your Turn Find the scale factor of the dilation. Then tell whether the dilation is a reduction or an enlargement 𝑘= 𝐶𝑃′ 𝐶𝑃 Notice: k < 1 Reduction 𝑘= 18 30 𝑘= 3 5 February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

22 Remember: The scale factor k is S. F.= Image Length Pre−image Length
If 0 < |k| < 1 it’s a reduction. If |k| > 1 it’s an enlargement. S. F.= Image Length Pre−image Length February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

23 Coordinate Geometry Use the origin (0, 0) as the center of dilation.
The image of P(x, y) is P’(kx, ky). Notation: P(x, y)  P’(kx, ky). Read: “P maps to P prime” You need graph paper, a ruler, pencil. February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

24 Example 3 Graph ABC with A(1, 1), B(3, 6), C(5, 4). B C A
February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

25 Example 3 B’ Using a scale factor of k = 2, locate points A’, B’, and C’. P(x, y)  P’(kx, ky). C’ A(1, 1)  A’(2  1, 2  1) = A’(2, 2) B(3, 6)  B’(2  3, 2  6) = B’(6, 12) B C(5, 4)  C’(2  5, 2  4) = C’(10, 8) C A’ A February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

26 Example 3 B’ Draw ABC. C’ B C A’ A February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

27 Example 3 You’re done. B’ C’
Notice that rays drawn from the center of dilation (the origin) through every preimage point also passes through the image point. B C A’ A February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

28 Example 4 Graph quad. KLMN with K(−4, 8), L(0, 8), M(4, 4), and N(−4, −4) and its image after a dilation with a scale factor of 3 4 x, y → x, y K(−4, 8) → K′(−3, 6) L(0, 8) → L′(0, 6) M(4, 4) → M′(3, 3) N(−4, −4) → N′(−3, −3) February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

29 Your Turn Draw RSTV with R(0, 0) S(6, 3) T(0, 12) V(6, 3) T(0, 12)
February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations R(0, 0)

30 Your Turn Draw R’S’T’V’ using a scale factor of k = 1/3. T(0, 12)
February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations R(0, 0) R’(0, 0)

31 Your Turn R’S’T’V’ is a reduction. T(0, 12) T’(0, 4) S(-6, 3) V(6, 3)
February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations R(0, 0) R’(0, 0)

32 Negative Scale Factor In the coordinate plane, you can have scale factors that are negative numbers. When this occurs, the figure is dilated and rotates 180°. The following is still true… If 0 < |k| < 1 it’s a reduction. If |k| > 1 it’s an enlargement. February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

33 Example 5 Graph △FGH with vertices F(−4, −2), G(−2, 4), and H(−2, −2) and its image after a dilation with a scale factor of − 1 2 x, y → − 1 2 x, − y F(−4, −2) → G(−2, 4) → H(−2, −2) → F′(2, 1) G′(1, −2) H′(1, 1) February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

34 Your Turn Graph △PQR with vertices P(1, 2), Q(3, 1), and R(1, −3) and its image after a dilation with a scale factor of −2. x, y → −2x, −2y P(1, 2) → Q(3, 1) → R(1, −3) → P’ (−2, −4) Q’ (−6, −2) R’ (−2, 6) February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

35 Example 6 You are making your own photo stickers. Your photo is 4 inches by 4 inches. The image on the stickers is 1.1 inches by 1.1 inches. What is the scale factor of this dilation? S. F.= Image Length Pre−image Length S. F.= S. F.= February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

36 Your Turn An optometrist dilates the pupils of a patient’s eyes to get a better look at the back of the eyes. A pupil dilates from 4.5 millimeters to 8 millimeters. What is the scale factor of this dilation? S. F.= Image Length Pre−image Length S. F.= = 80 45 S. F.= 16 9 February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

37 Example 7 You are using a magnifying glass that shows the image of an object that is six times the object’s actual size. Determine the length of the image of the spider seen through the magnifying glass. S. F.= Image Length Pre−image Length 6= x 1.5 x = 1.5 (6) x = 9 cm February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

38 Your Turn You are using a magnifying glass that shows the image of an object that is six times the object’s actual size. The image of a spider is shown at the left. Find the actual length of the spider. S. F.= Image Length Pre−image Length 6= x 6 1 = x 6x = 12.6 x = 2.1 cm February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

39 Summary A dilation creates similar figures.
A dilation can be a reduction or an enlargement. If the scale factor is less than one, it’s a reduction, and if the scale factor is greater than one it’s an enlargement. A negative scale factor is the same as a dilation with a 180° rotation. The scale factor is found using S. F.= Image Pre−image February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

40 Assignment February 28, 2019 4.5 Dilations

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