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Guided Revision Of your essay.

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1 Guided Revision Of your essay

2 First, we MLA Select the whole document
Put whole document in Times New Roman 12 Title look just like the essay 4. Remove extra spaces


4 Place Ingenious Title Here
That looks like: First and Last Name Dr. Potratz/Danso Literature and Arts / American Literature 29 February 2017 Place Ingenious Title Here

5 Have you introduced the character?
Go through each paragraph and add introductory information about the characters the first time they are mentioned: When they lived Where Facts we need to know (he is a king, or…)

6 Get rid of the word you Click <Ctrl F>
Search for you, reword to avoid it.

7 Consider your word choices
Go through sentence by sentence and change your tone to sound formal Replace bad, good, nice, very, super, great, cool, sad, unhappy—with how and why the reader, or character is affected by the event, or some insight about the book



10 Do you have At least 5 quotes embedded in paraphrase?
Is every piece of fact cited? Have you included at least one CD from a source that is not “The Epic of Gilgamesh”?

11 With 2 sources, all citations look like this
(Gilgamesh 5) or (Frost 2-3) –in poems, the numbers refer to lines Lines of poems or songs are quoted with slashes showing line breaks: “O beautiful for spacious skies, / For amber waves of grain, / For purple mountain majesties” (Bates 1-3)

12 Find all quotes EMBED THEM
That means NO NAKED QUOTES (never start a sentence with a quote, and only use the most important part of the quote) Use only the best part of the quote Put your words around it paraphrasing the who, what, where, and when

13 Commentaries should average 11 words each
In your commentary, have you talked about the CD every time, before moving on? Have you remembered to talk about proving your topic sentence? Have you considered the how and why behind your commentary?

14 Rubric Go look at the rubric and try scoring your essay at this moment
1. 2. Click on your class 3. Go to the “Categories” on the right (scroll down) 4. Click: Synthesis Rubric

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