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After the Panic of 1819, American colonization of Texas began!

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Presentation on theme: "After the Panic of 1819, American colonization of Texas began!"— Presentation transcript:

1 After the Panic of 1819, American colonization of Texas began!
_____ _____ After the Panic of 1819, American colonization of Texas began! Gone To Texas

2 Texas Fever 1821 – 1830’s GTT

3 People who came to Texas
Farmers (mostly southerners from the U.S.) Europeans (British, Irish, Scottish, French, German, Italian, etc) African Americans (both free & slaves) Native Americans (Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Delaware, Shawnee) Mexicans or Tejanos (Texans of Spanish heritage) GTT GTT

4 How did people get to Texas
Covered wagons Horseback Flatboats Ships Walked GTT

5 Push Factors Reasons for people to leave the U.S. or their home land

6 Push Factors Debts from the Panic of 1819 Financial depression
Business failures Inability of U.S. officials to: collect debts get fugitives in Texas GTT

7 Reasons for people to choose to come and live in TX
Pull Factors Reasons for people to choose to come and live in TX GTT

8 Pull Factors Cheap land --- 12 ½ an acre New start in life
Easy payment terms Fertile soil – farming Generous colonization laws for acreage GTT

9 G.T.T What does it mean? GONE TO TEXAS
When people left town owing money or accused of a crime, people would say they had… GONE TO TEXAS What does it mean? GTT

10 G.T.T Why Settlers Came: escaping hard times, debts
escaping criminal charges U.S. creditors and authorities had no power in Texas Texas had cheaper land; easier payment terms GTT

11 G.T.T How They Traveled on foot by covered wagon on horseback
by flatboats on rivers by ocean going steamships GTT

12 Upon their arrival in Texas, the settlers would:
Choose land near rivers and streams to build their farms and towns Avoid areas where hostile Indians lived All lived in the Gulf Coastal Plains region EXAMPLES of growing towns: Galveston, San Antonio, Nacogdoches, Goliad, Columbia, San Felipe de Austin, Matagorda, Harrisburg, Washington on the Brazos, Gonzales, Victoria, Velasco, Brazoria, Anahuac, Seguin

13 Get to Texas Today! GTT GTT For Sale GTT

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