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Tuning South East Asia - TASE

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1 Tuning South East Asia - TASE
Third General Meeting Tasks planned till Fourth General Meeting Pablo Beneitone, Ivan Dyukarev, Edurne Bartolome and Maria Yarosh Jakarta, 23 March 2018

2 TASK 2: Measure student workload (INDIVIDUAL)
1. TASKS TO BE DONE TASK 1: Elaboration of a PROGRAMME Proposal (INDIVIDUAL) TASK 2: Measure student workload (INDIVIDUAL)

3 1. TASKS TO BE DONE 1. Elaboration of a PROGRAMME Proposal
Name of the new or revised programme Length and level of the programme Explain the social need of the new or revised programme. Future fields, sectors of employment/occupation of graduates Description of the degree profile of the new programme or a revised programme in terms of generic and/or subject-specific competences. Definition of competences and formulation of learning outcomes at programme level. Link of the degree with the agreed meta-profile Structure of the programme: units/courses/modules with their learning outcomes and learning, teaching and assessment strategies Programme overall consistency Internal Quality Control/Enhancement Other relevant aspects DESIGN

4 1. TASKS TO BE DONE Timetable From third meeting till FOURTH meeting …
TASK 1: Elaboration of a PROGRAMME Proposal (INDIVIDUAL) 15/07/2018

5 Bachelor in Primary Education
2. TASKS TO BE DONE TASK 2: Measure student workload 2.1 Each University has to identify the units/courses/modules which are part of the semester to be consulted (the number of unit/courses/modules will differ from one University to another) Bachelor in Primary Education Semester chosen: 5th Unit/Course A Unit/Course B Unit Course C Unit Course D Unit/Course E Unit/Course F Unit/Course A Unit/Course B Unit Course C Unit Course D Unit Course E Unit/Course A Unit/Course B Unit Course C Unit Course D 5

6 Bachelor in Primary Education
TASK 2: Measure student workload 2.2 Each University has to consult 1 teacher and 10 students of EACH unit/course/module of the semester chosen Bachelor in Primary Education Semester chosen: 5th 6

7 Points 1-7 are pre-filled by the university administration staff
2. TASKS TO BE DONE TASK 2: Measure student workload Academics Students Questionnaire for 1. Subject area: _________________________________________________________ 2. University: ___________________________________________________________ 3. Programme: _________________________________________________________ 4. Semester_________ 5. Number of calendar weeks in the semester __________ 6. Unit/Course/Module___________________________________________ 7. Academic hour in your university is ______ minutes. Points 1-7 are pre-filled by the university administration staff

8 Questionnaire for Academics
2. TASKS TO BE DONE TASK 2: Measure student workload 8. How many CONTACT HOURS in total are there in your unit/course/module during the SEMESTER? hours 9. From the list below, specify the types of INDEPENDENT WORK you require in the unit/course/module during the SEMESTER. Enter the estimated number of hours which, in your opinion, the student should spend in order to complete the independent study in the unit/course/module. a. Reading texts or literature Yes, ... hours No b. Fieldwork (site visits, etc.) c. Laboratory work (not supervised by you) d. Preparation and presentation of written work (essays, reports, design work, modelling) e. Working with Internet sources f. Preparing for interim assessment, final examinations, tests, etc. g. Other (specify): hours 10. How many hours does an AVERAGE student need to complete all the requirements of your unit/course/module in this SEMESTER (taking into account CONTACT HOURS and INDEPENDENT WORK)? hours 11. How many hours does an AVERAGE student need to complete all the requirements of your unit/course/module per WEEK (taking into account CONTACT HOURS and INDEPENDENT WORK)? 12. When planning your unit/course/module, did you estimate the hours students will have to spend on independent work? Yes 13. Did you take students’ expectations and feedback into consideration when planning the workload for your course? Questionnaire for Academics

9 Questionnaire for Students
2. TASKS TO BE DONE TASK 2: Measure student workload 8. How many CONTACT HOURSin total were you given to study this unit/course/module during the SEMESTER? hours 9. Using the list below, specify the types of INDEPENDENT WORK you used in the unit/course/module during the SEMESTER. Under g. add any other ways of learning that you use that are not included here. Enter the estimated number of hours that you needed to complete the independent work on unit/course/module. a. Reading texts or literature Yes, ... hours No b. Fieldwork (site visits, etc.) c. Laboratory work (not supervised by the teacher) d. Preparation and presentation of written work (essays, reports, design work, modelling) e. Working with Internet sources f. Preparing for interim assessment, final examinations, tests, etc. g. Other (specify): hours 10. How many hours did you spend in the SEMESTER to complete all the requirements of this unit/course/module (taking into account CONTACT HOURS and INDEPENDENT WORK)? hours 11. How many hours per WEEK did you spend (both CONTACT HOURS AND INDEPENDENT WORK) to complete all the requirements of this unit/course/module? 12.. At the beginning of the unit/course/module, were you informed about the number of hours planned for independent work? Yes 13. Were you given the opportunity to provide feedback about the workload in this unit/course/module? Questionnaire for Students

10 TASK 2: Measure student workload
2. TASKS TO BE DONE TASK 2: Measure student workload Conducting the surveys Students and teachers should be convened to briefly explain the purpose of the survey. The questionnaire should then be distributed in printed form, and completed during the meeting. This procedure facilitates the collection of information, since in a short session the explanatory talk and data collection can easily be performed. 10

11 TASK 2: Measure student workload
2. TASKS TO BE DONE TASK 2: Measure student workload Loading surveys in the On-line application The completed questionnaires on paper must be loaded into the on-line application. The Tuning representative in the subject area or an appointed administrative assistant in each University must enter the data from each questionnaire on the website. No printed questionnaires at all should be sent to the project coordination as everything will be entered in an on-line form. 11

12 TASK 2: Measure student workload
2. TASKS TO BE DONE Timetable From third meeting till FOURTH meeting … TASK 2: Measure student workload 2.1 Send information about the semester (INDIVIDUAL) 15/04/2018 2.2. Consultation process (INDIVIDUAL) 01/05/2018 to 15/07/2018

13 3. TASKS TO BE DONE (summary)
Timetable From third meeting till FOURTH meeting … TASK 1: Elaboration of a PROGRAMME Proposal 15/07/2018 TASK 2: Measure student workload 15/04/2018 2.1 Send information about the semester (INDIVIDUAL) 2.2. Consultation process (INDIVIDUAL) 01/05/2018 to 15/07/2018

14 Preparing Final publication of each Subject Area (GROUP TASK)
CONTENT 1. Introduction (Presentation of the countries involved in the SAG; Presentation of the Members/Universities) 2. Definition of generic competences - A thematic perspective (Brief analysis of the generic competences from subject area perspective. Highlight some particular aspects considered and/or not considered in the list of generic competences for Tuning TASE) 3. Identification of specific competences (Presentation of the subject specific competences agreed in the group. Explanation of the process followed to achieve the list of subject specific competences. Institutional/national/subregional/ references which SAG took into account to achieve the list of subject specific competences.) 4. Consultation and reflections (Presentation of analysis of the results of generic competences survey (in relation to SAG perspective). Presentation of analysis of the results of subject specific competences survey Interpretation of the results.) 5. Elaboration of Meta-Profiles (Description of the process followed by the SAG to agreed a meta- profile. Presentation of the meta –profile as a graphic. Explanation of the main components/elements of the Meta – profile and how it is linked to the previous steps (generic and subject specific competences agreed). 6. Contrast of Meta – profile at regional level (Reflection on the coincidences and differences between the meta-profile and real degree profiles at the Universities).

15 Short-term Research Visits
OTHER INITIATIVES Short-term Research Visits Tuning-related research  Tuning Journal for Higher Education “Writing retreats”

16 4 broad lines Tuning impact Generic Competences:
development, teaching & assessment Staff development for competence-based HE Incorporation of the Tuning approach

17 Where, when, who? 4-weeks in Bilbao Oct Jun 2019 Any country of residence, nationality, age & gender

18 Application Application deadline: 30 April 2018 More details:

19 Timetable Meeting with EU partners Bilbao, 2 March 2017
First General Meeting Bilbao, May 2017 Second General Meeting Kuala Lumpur, 16 – 18 October 2017 Third General Meeting Yakarta, 21 – 23 March 2018 Fourth General Meeting Bangkok, 17 – 22 September 2018 Fifth General Meeting Vietnam, February 2019 Sixth General Meeting EU Member State, September 2019

20 See you in Bangkok!

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