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So you want to live a double life?

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Presentation on theme: "So you want to live a double life?"— Presentation transcript:

1 So you want to live a double life?

2 So you want to live a double life?
Design a book cover dealing with this question You will have 20 minutes

3 Journal “Many of us live double lives, presenting one version of ourselves to real-world intimates and another to those friends and unknowns alike.” We will be looking at the concept of change (leaving childhood behind moving into adulthood) and how leaving childhood behind affects you. Journal: Discuss the idea of living a double life as it relates to adolescents. Think about the idea of filters, different friend groups, home life vs. school life, etc….”

4 Make a chart with 7 columns (you may do 3 on the front and 4 on the back).
Copy down the following concepts/ideas and you will have 2 minutes to write anything

5 What does it mean to be an adult

6 What distinguishes a child from an adult?

7 Why are teenagers so eager to grow up? What’s your hurry?

8 Individual identity vs. group identity

9 Beauty

10 What does “coming of age” mean? Or What does it mean to “come of age”?

11 What is Culture

12 Starting at the poster with your number on it, write down your top 2 (but if you have really awesome ones you can put 3) answer on the poster within that group. You will have 3 minutes to get this done. I will let you know when it is time to rotate.

13 Theme Universal statement that crosses cultural boundaries. Often a statement of human condition or a truth that explains human behavior

14 Theme Continued Your job: Brainstorm themes relevant to teens: For example: A need to be argumentative and emotional. When I call your group, you will stick your sticky note on the board - if it relates to someone else’s, put your sticky note on top of theirs.

15 Theme Board Cut out pictures that depict what your theme from the list of themes we identified look like. Glue them to the construction paper. There should be NO space on your poster that isn’t covered in a picture -- make a collage!!

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