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Let’s Think Secondary Science Lesson 2 – The R Word

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Think Secondary Science Lesson 2 – The R Word"— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Think Secondary Science Lesson 2 – The R Word
Title Page

2 Using Your Learning from Lesson 1
Choose from the 2 activities which you wish to use as a hook for the lesson.

3 Using Your Learning from Lesson 1
Choose from the 2 activities which you wish to use as a hook for the lesson.

4 Describing Relationships
In your groups. Work on the three activities. Use a two column table to record your results. Thermometers Elastic Band Beakers Same groups of 4 maximum. A student in each group draws a two column table with the headings Variables and Values to record their answers. The thermometers should include a large negative scale type and small clinical.

5 Conclusion for: Thermometers Elastic Band Beakers Further Thoughts
Review Conclusion for: Thermometers Elastic Band Beakers Further Thoughts During the review sue the words the students use and do not use the terminology proportional and inverse proportional at this stage. Link back to your hook, comparing similarities and differences to the experimental relationships, variables and values. Ask the students your planned questions to promote metacognition. Ask the students to reflect on how they worked as a group and visualise how they will make a better contribution next time.

6 Review Consolidation activity.

7 Review Bridging activity. Think of an example from your own life.

8 Global Warming Watch the video clip;
Think about a relationship in the clip; After you leave the classroom think of a new relationship. An optional bridging and homework thinking activity. Teachers choose a current example of severe weather fluctuations related to global warming.

9 End

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