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Talent Match Impact Gaby Atfield Institute for Employment Research

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1 Talent Match Impact Gaby Atfield Institute for Employment Research
University of Warwick

2 What is Talent Match? £106 million programme funded by the Big Lottery Fund to address unemployment amongst year olds To provide structured opportunities for the public, private and voluntary and community sectors to create effective partnerships and coordination To support local solutions matching supply of young people with local demand for employment To empower young people to improve their own circumstances and life-chances with the right support To promote positive images of young people

3 How is Talent Match different from other youth employment programmes?
Participation is voluntary Co-designed and co-delivered with young people Led by local voluntary and community sector organisations working across 21 Local Enterprise Partnership areas in England Focus on hidden NEETs While youth unemployment rates have been falling for the past six years, the number of young people who are not in education, training or employment and who are not claiming benefits has doubled over the same time period.

4 Young people had been engaged in Talent Match by the end of June 2018
25,881 Young people had been engaged in Talent Match by the end of June 2018

5 Who has participated in Talent Match?
75% were looking for work when they joined the programme 62% had never had a job 21% were hidden NEETs Not in education, employment or training and not claiming any benefits 38% lived in the 10% most deprived neighbourhoods in England

6 TM participants who had previously experienced:
1b TM participants who had previously experienced:

7 What support have Talent Match participants received?

8 What activities have TM participants undertaken?
2b What activities have TM participants undertaken? Volunteering 33% Work experience 45% Applied for a job 79% Had a job interview 64%

9 What labour market outcomes has TM achieved?
3 What labour market outcomes has TM achieved? Of participants who have been on Talent Match for at least 6 months: 41% Participants who achieved a job outcome Of those who achieved a job outcome, the proportion who were permanently employed 71% Those who achieved a sustained job outcome i.e. employed for 6 months / self-employed for 12 months 18% Those on apprenticeships or in other formal education 18%

10 What changes in well-being of participants has Talent Match achieved?
4 What changes in well-being of participants has Talent Match achieved? 64% % whose scores improved at the latest follow-up

11 What have we learnt from TM Staffordshire?
Supporting people with disabilities into and in work In-work support and sustaining employment Peer mentoring Innovation and test and learn 40% Have a disability Talent Match average – 24% Have a disability that limits their activities Talent Match average – 15% 28% Young people in employment who had received in-work support Talent Match average – 29% 43% 89% Took part in peer mentoring Talent Match average – 26%

12 Find out more: Full and summary reports on the achievements of Talent Match and recommendations in areas including: progression to employment, involving young people in programme design; youth employment partnerships; key worker models; in-work support; and mental health and well-being can be found here: For more information, contact: Gaby Atfield,

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