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AB 847 (Bocanegra) and SB 677 (Moorlach)

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Presentation on theme: "AB 847 (Bocanegra) and SB 677 (Moorlach)"— Presentation transcript:

1 AB 847 (Bocanegra) and SB 677 (Moorlach)
By Lee Gordon, Orange Coast College Academic Senate ASCCC Legislative and Advocacy Committee

2 AB 847 Bocanegra Would require CSU & CC academic senates and request UC Senates to post their membership rosters on their web pages.

3 AB 847 Bocanegra California community college academic senates already provide this information to the public.  Senates are already mandated to comply with the Brown Act requirements for published agendas and membership.

4 AB 847 Bocanegra There may be additional concerns involving security of Senate Membership

5 SB 677 Moorlach “ The Student Whistleblower Protection Bill ”

6 SB 677 Moorlach California State Sen. John Moorlach represents California’s 37th district which includes Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa.

7 SB 677 Moorlach Stated Aim of the Bill is to “Provide community college students with protections against penalties should they record and report an instructor doing something that violates the instructor’s duties as an educator.”

8 SB 677 Moorlach The Moorlach Bill would cover students who record classroom activity when they believe it may violate state or federal laws or campus policies.

9 SB 677 Moorlach Moorlach: “There should be a remedy available to those who feel they’re going to suffer retaliation because the instructor is in full control of their grade.”

10 SB 677 Moorlach Moorlach says his concern is with the prospect of a student witnessing something in a classroom that significantly deviated from the curriculum of the class.

11 SB 677 Moorlach “What happens when an instructor strays from the curriculum or the syllabus? What if a student decided to punch the teacher and the other students were not allowed to use their iPhones to catch that incident live,” Moorlach said.

12 SB 677 Moorlach . Moorlach states that he proposed SB 677 in direct response to the incident at Orange Coast College involving the surreptitious taping of an instructors’ classroom remarks and posting of the remarks on social media


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