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The problem: The plan: The costs: The benefits: What next?

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1 The problem: The plan: The costs: The benefits: What next?
Exercise Class for Older Adults – Falls Risk Reduction Your Name & Name of all contributors Affiliations (Trust) Logos The below is provided purely as an example – ideas for a product or prehab/ new service will vary but try to use the headlines as a guide The problem: Brief description of the issue the proposal seeks to address, e.g. Statistically 1 in 3 adults over the age of 65 will experience a fall one or more times per year, rising to 1 in 2 over the age of 851. With potential for considerable personal costs of losses of mobility and independence for the faller2, the estimated annual cost to the SEHSCT of treating those falls is £7.8M3. With the over 65 population growing these costs are expected to …… Think 3-5 headline bullet points The plan: Brief description of the proposal which can consist of development of a new product, service or application of equipment new to the Trust or service. e.g. A series of 9, 1-hour classes (6 weekly and 3 fortnightly) of progressive strengthening and balance sessions. 10 patients per class Run 4 times per year, led by a Band 6 (static) Physiotherapist. ½ hour information sessions following each class supported by other elements of the health services, and by third sector (Charitable) staff. These would provide information on accessing wider NHS and governmental services, and promote safety and awareness for falls risk reduction. Administrative support would be provided by a physiotherapy assistant (Band 3) or administrative assistant (Band 3). . Illustrative Imagery (optional) Overlay or underlay the topics, shadow it in or just leave this out. The costs: Outline any known or estimated costs at this stage. e.g. Staff costs estimated at £1900 per year, drawing on existing staff resources, with a loss of 54 hours of Band 6 physio time, 42 hours admin support time and 16 hours MDT Band 6 equivalent input Potential loss of 15 patient equivalent appointments in an out patient department per year Equipment costs within existing supply arrangements estimated at £200 The benefits: Who is this going to benefit ? Are there any financial benefits that might come back to physiotherapy services or are the benefits more societal/ wider NHS. e.g. Based on the Falls Prevention Economic model3, a targeted physiotherapy intervention would return £1.49 for every £1 invested. If necessary recognise that these costs are likely to be difficult to quantify as represent savings in orthopaedic services, ED visits etc but provide any rationale available for their calculation What next? Describe the next steps needed to progress the proposal. This could consist of management buy in, product development, pilot programme, business case and procurement… whatever you feel is needed e.g. If approved to progress early stage engagement with potential referring professionals e.g. GPs, physiotherapists within the trust, social workers, day centre management could commence. This would consist of advice leaflets, referral criteria and contact for further information. Once a waiting list adequate for 1.5 times the class capacity was established the classes could commence. During this period the necessary adjustments to the case load of the lead physiotherapist could be carried out and the new items of equipment purchased. It is estimated that the proposed class could be established within 4 months of approval to proceed. Feel free to add any information as to what needs to happen, including further research, development, benchmarking or trial periods that would feature References: National Institute of Health and Care Excellence. (2013) Assessment and prevention of falls in older people. NICE Guidance CG161. Available at: [Accessed 7 January 2016]. Park, J.H., Cho, H., Shin, J.H., Kim, T., Park, S.B., Choi, B.Y. and Kim, M.J. (2014) Relationship among fear of falling, physical performance, and physical characteristics of the rural elderly. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 93(5), Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP). (2015) The falls prevention economic model. London: CSP. Available at: [Accessed 7 January 2016]. Etc…. Include any references that show that this is a well researched idea

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