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August 25-26, 2015 Please fill out the paper with T or F (true or false) (Heads up: on Thursday you will be taking a Pre-Assessment!)

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Presentation on theme: "August 25-26, 2015 Please fill out the paper with T or F (true or false) (Heads up: on Thursday you will be taking a Pre-Assessment!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 August 25-26, 2015 Please fill out the paper with T or F (true or false) (Heads up: on Thursday you will be taking a Pre-Assessment!)

2 Today’s Class Objectives
You will review classroom policies and procedures to ensure that you have a successful year in English II Pre- AP by following along, asking questions, taking notes, and completing registration activities You will acquire the knowledge necessary to present a growth mindset by engaging in whole class discussion, turn-and-talk, group work, and writing to learn

3 Summer Reading Make sure your name is on everything!
If you turn everything in by: Monday Aug 31st-100% Sept % Sept % Sept % Sept % Sept. 29-Oct. 2-50% *These are the highest grades you can get If you are new to the district please see me after class to check out a book We will be working with the text in class this six weeks so you need to bring it everyday starting Monday You will also have a project due pertaining to the novel so you MUST read it!

4 Contact Information Teacher: Sarah Schelstrate Room: J-109 Phone: (956) Conference: 2:50-3:40 daily Class Website:

5 Course Name and Description
English II Pre-AP integrates the study of selected world literature with comprehensive grammar, usage, and composition skills. Writing will emphasize sound and varied sentence structure and patterns, the logical progression and completeness of the paragraph, essay with a focus on the thesis sentence, organization, revision and editing. A conventional, comprehensive study of grammar, usage, and mechanics will give students ample practice in mastering their proficiency in capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and agreement rules of standard usage. The study of world literature includes the short story, drama, poetry, and the novel. Short stories will focus on the basic literary elements exhibited by various world authors, using the anthology text as a source as well as various other excerpts from the internet and/or novels. Vocabulary study will also be incorporated throughout the course, with primary focus on words encountered in the literature selections. Likewise, improved oral communication and basic research skills will be covered within the context of literature and composition.

6 Supply list A FIVE Subject Spiral or a 1-inch binder with five dividers and notebook paper Black or blue ink pens or pencils Flags and small cube Post-Its Five different colored highlighters

7 Electronics We frequently utilize electronics in this class; therefore, it is of the utmost importance that students remain on task when the assignment calls for use of electronic devices. Any student caught off task (i.e. snapchatting, Facebooking, texting, etc.) will have their device confiscated for the remainder of the period and their electronic assignment forfeited. They will have a chance to complete the assignment by hand only. For those students without electronic devices I will have computers available for use. The apps we will be using in class are all free apps and should be downloaded as soon as possible. They are as follows: Socrative student Pic Collage Remind: Safe Classroom Communication Google Slides & Google Docs OR Microsoft Power Point & Word NO VIDEOTAPING OR PHOTOGRAPHY OF PEOPLE IS ALLOWED IN CLASS (not even selfies). Taking pictures/videos of people in class will lead to disciplinary action. **All electronic devices must be turned in to the teacher before testing. They will be returned at the end of the testing period to the student. Any student who fails to turn in an electronic device will receive a ‘0’ on the test with no re-test permitted.

8 Class Participation Expectations
The student will: Be prompt-Once the tardy bell has rung, if you are not in the room and in your seat, you will be marked tardy. Too many tardies will result in an “NG” on your semester report card Be prepared-always come to class with correct materials to perform the assigned tasks, your homework completed, and a positive attitude Be polite- when others are speaking and raise your hand to ask questions, give answers, or to ask permission to leave the classroom. Respect other people’s property and ideas. Be an active participant in class discussion, coursework, and collaborative group work Be cognizant of twenty-first century technology netiquette and practice good online habits

9 Grading Policy In this course, grading will follow PSJA ISD’s policy. Averages will be determined by the following criteria: Tests…………………………………40% *Projects(s)……………………… % Quizzes………………………………15% Six Weeks Exam………………… % Classroom/Homework………………20% *Projects may include presentations, research papers, models, reports, collages, posters, experiments, etc. Student will be responsible for obtaining and completing the makeup work in a satisfactory manner and within the time specified by the teacher. A student who does not make up assigned work within the time allotted by the teacher will receive a grade of zero for the assignment. A student will be permitted to make up tests and to turn in projects due in any class missed because of absence. Teachers may assign a late penalty to any long-term project in accordance with time lines approved by the principal and previously communicated to students. Due Dates All work is due on the date announced in class. Only under exceptional circumstances will extensions to that due date be allowed. If teacher chooses to accept a late assignment 10 points will be deducted per class day after assignment is due.

10 Attendance Policy Absences
When a student is absent (regardless of age), the parent or guardian must send a note or a doctor's excuse with the student upon return to school. The note must contain the dates of absence and reason for absence. The student must obtain an admittance slip from the attendance office to present to the teacher. Students should be in the attendance line early enough to avoid a tardy to their first class. The attendance office opens at 7:30 a.m. Regular school attendance is essential for the student to make the most of his or her education–to benefit from teacher-led activities, to build each day’s learning on that of the previous day, and to grow as an individual. Absences from class may result in serious disruption of a student’s mastery of the instructional materials; therefore, the student and parent should make every effort to avoid unnecessary absences. After 5 absences a student loses credit for the class so it is essential that he/she be in class everyday

11 Tardy Policy 1st & 2nd Tardy Teacher warns student
3rd Tardy Teacher calls parent, deduction of points of classwork assignments 4th Tardy Conference with Parent and Teacher 5th Tardy and beyond Referral to Counselor, further action taken

12 Research Papers One of the last summative assignments for this class is a formal research paper accompanied by an oral presentation with a visual. (Further instructions will be given when we begin the Research Paper Unit.) This is the single most important assignment of the course and is the culmination of everything you have learned in class. One major paper will be due in December (semester exam) and the cumulative research project will be due in May (final exam). We will be working on mini-research papers and presentations throughout the year in order to develop and strengthen paraphrasing, citing, and other necessary research skills.

13 Remind 101 Please take out your phone if you have one
Follow the directions on the paper (Type in as the phone number-in the message area type Day day) When prompted type in your first and last name Do not put Victor because I might have 3 students with the same name and I will not be able to puaward you the extra credit points if I don’t know who to give them too! This will sign you up for my reminders Do not worry! I will not have your phone number. I will only be able to send class messages to you!

14 Student Names The messages I send

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