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T-TESS Student Growth Model PLC- April 25th & 26th

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Presentation on theme: "T-TESS Student Growth Model PLC- April 25th & 26th"— Presentation transcript:

1 T-TESS Student Growth Model PLC- April 25th & 26th

2 Classroom Observations
Goal Setting & Professional Development Plan Student Growth

3 Why are we doing SLO’s?

4 SLO (Student Learning Objectives) are:
Set by teachers Focused on a foundational student skill that is developed through the curriculum Tailored to the context of individual students Designed to help teachers better understand the impact of their pedagogy Centered on the purposes of refining instruction

5 What are SLO’s (cont.)? Instructionally valuable: Adaptable
Foundational Skills- skills most critical to student learning Evidence-based- reasons for our decisions Equitable- meeting needs of all students and teachers Transparent- clear, concise, easily understood Manageable- enhancing practice and easily incorporated Adaptable Flexibility to adjust as needed to fit local context

6 SLO’s are NOT: Mathematically precise
Standardized to where all students must reach a predetermined level or to have a campus-determined focus Necessarily focused on traditional testing A second gradebook A way to “get you” Something to check off- requires your investment in growth

7 Keys to SLO’s: Growth mindset Ratings are the least important part
The process is the value Called student growth, but really about teacher growth Honest assessment, sincere reflection, and commitment to adjustment = student growth

8 SLO Process: 1- Identify student skill on which you will focus on. (Aug) Skill focus represents a balance between importance and value 2- Set Initial Skill Profile- Where do I think my students will be with this skill upon entering my course? (Aug-Sept) 3- Get to know your students and prepare SLO drafts (Aug-Sept) 4- Set SLO & Targeted Skill Profile- Where are my students actually with this skill when they enter my class? (Mid-October) What are your expectations of students at the end of the SLO?

9 SLO Process: 5- Monitor & Evaluate- (Oct-April)
Differentiated Instruction; Formal/Informal Assessments; Reviewing & Collaborating Are students progressing? How do I need to adjust instruction? Midpoint Conferences (Jan-Feb) 6- Reflection & Closeout- Assess EOY student skill level on Growth Tracker & Complete EOY reflection. Conference between appraiser and teacher (April-May)

10 Discuss student growth during T-TESS summative conference
Phase 3 - Teachers: Discuss student growth during T-TESS summative conference Receive final rating Phase 1 - Teachers: Identify student class Create instructional focus and goals Develop strategies Phase 2 – Teachers: Complete the Student Growth Model form Monitor and adjust instruction Use existing PLC protocols

11 When will you meet with your administrator?
Early in the year to approve the SLO Throughout the year to share updates on student progress and receive feedback and support for the SLO Near the end of the year to review the process, discuss next steps, and determine the rating on the SLO Rubric

12 Sample Timeline


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