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5/11 Take out your spiral. Who is this?.

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Presentation on theme: "5/11 Take out your spiral. Who is this?."— Presentation transcript:

1 5/11 Take out your spiral. Who is this?

2 Buddhism

3 Religions in Europe, Asia, and Africa
Major religions in Europe, Africa, and Asia

4 Buddhism

5 Buddhism Comes from South Asia (India) about 500 B.C., then DIFFUSED to other parts of Asia 4th largest religion Founder: Siddhartha Gautama (known as Buddha) rejected the Hindu idea of caste

6 Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 BCE)
Born in NE India (Nepal). Raised in great luxury to be a king. At 29 he rejected his luxurious life to seek enlightenment and the source of suffering. Lived a strict, life for 6 yrs. Rejecting this extreme, sat in meditation, and found nirvana. Became “The Enlightened One,” at 35.

7 4 Noble Truths 1. There is suffering in this life.
2. There is suffering because of selfish, evil desires. 3. To end suffering, you must do away with selfish, evil desires. 4. To get rid of selfish desires, you must follow the 8 Fold Path.

8 What is the fundamental cause of all suffering?
Desire! Therefore, extinguish the self, don’t obsess about oneself.

9 Buddhism Beliefs The Eightfold Path

10 BuddhisT Beliefs Buddhists believe in reincarnation
After many cycles of reincarnation, a person might achieve Nirvana- freedom from suffering

11 1. Abstain from killing living beings; 2
1. Abstain from killing living beings; 2. Abstain from taking that which not given; 3. Abstain from sexual misconduct; 4. Abstain from false speech; 5. Abstain from distilled substances that confuse the mind. (Alcohol and Drugs)

12 1. Act with Loving-kindness; 2. Be open hearted and generous; 3
1. Act with Loving-kindness; 2. Be open hearted and generous; 3. Practice stillness, simplicity and contentment; 4. Speak with truth, clarity and peace; 5. Live with mindfulness.


14 Today, Buddhism is mostly practiced in Tibet, Vietnam, Thailand…among other parts of East and SE Asia There are several branches of Buddhism

15 Buddha – 19c Thailand


17 Where is Tibet?

18 Tibetan Buddhists believe the Dalai Lama is…
-The reincarnation of the Buddha. Tenzin Gyatso- the 14th Dalai Lama

19 14th Dalai Lama as a boy

20 The Dalai Lama

21 Nobel Peace Prize recipient- 1989

22 The Potola in Lhasa, Tibet

23 Cremation and “sky” burial in Tibet.
What role does geography play in these burials?

24 Assessment From a Buddhist perspective, give advice to the students on your paper.

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