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Status and startup for physics with LHCb
G. Passaleva (INFN-Firenze) On behalf of the LHCb collaboration CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
Outline The LHCb experiment LHC startup scenario Commissioning plans
Detectors Trigger Expected performance Detector status LHC startup scenario Commissioning plans First physics measurements Conclusions Remind the main features I will discuss what we believe should be at LHCb the LHC startup steps and sketch the plans concerning the commissioning of the experiment Finally I will briefly discuss a few physics measurements that we believe we can perform with the very first data. These are of course a small part of the very rich and complex Physics program of LHCb that will extend over the first 5 years of LHC and that I’ll not have time discuss here. CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
pp interactions/crossing
LHCb environment Forward peaked, correlated bb pair production LHCb is a forward spectrometer 2.0 < || < 5.3 100 mb 230 mb L tuneable by defocusing the beams Choose to run at <L> ~ 21032 cm–2s–1 (max. 51032 cm–2s–1) Will be available from 1st physics run Clean environment (n = 0.5) 2 fb–1 / year Lhcb is dedicated th b physics b pairs are produced in the forward region in a correlated way therefore lhcb is a forward spec. covering The region of rapidity between 2 and 4.5 2 fb-1in stable conditions pp interactions/crossing CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
The LHCb spectrometer CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
(visible bunch crossings)
Trigger 10 MHz (visible bunch crossings) Level-0: pT of m, e, h, g Calorimeter Muon system Pile-up system 1 MHz HLT: Confirm level-0 Associate Pt/IP Full event reconstr. Inclusive/exclusive selections Full detector information 2 kHz L0: custom hardware HLT: CPU farm Output rate Event type Physics 200 Hz Exclusive B candidates B (core program) 600 Hz High mass di-muons J/, bJ/X (unbiased) 300 Hz D* candidates Charm 900 Hz Inclusive b (e.g. bm) B (data mining) As the experiment is dedicated to b physics whose xsection is only 0.5 mb over a thotal pp x section of 200 mb, a very specialised trigger is mandatory CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
Expected performance Bd Bs Comb. D2 4-5% 7-9%
Full detector simulation based on Pythia and GEANT4 Full pattern recognition implemented: Track finding efficiency: ~ 95% for long tracks p > 10 GeV/c Momentum resolution: 0.4% Mass resolution: ~ 14 MeV/c2 for B mesons Secondary vertex resolution ( in z): ~ 170 mm Proper time resolution for B decays: ~ 40 fs st1 = 33 fs st2 = 67 fs Bs→Dsp proper time (31%) Flavour tagging efficiency Bd Bs Comb. D2 4-5% 7-9% The momentum resolution is at the level of 4 per mill for high pt tracks CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
Neutral reconstruction
Particle ID /K separation provided by RICH for 2<p<100 GeV: <(KK,p)> = 83% <(K,p)> = 6% Clean separation of two-body B decays, e. g. B Neutral reconstruction Good efficiency for 0 in B0 + - 0, using both resolved and merged clusters in the ECAL Modes with multiple neutrals (0, , KS,…) will be challenging at LHCb (m)=12 MeV Efficiency ~53% Merged 0 The PID capability of LHCb is a unique feature among the LHC experiments and is based mainly on the rich system We are able to separate very cleanly pi from k with p from 2 to 100 gev with obviuos benefits as illustrated in the plots Concerning the neutral particle, we have a reasonably good reconstruction efficiency for pi0s etas and so on. However modes with Multiple neutrals are challenging for lhcb Resolved 0 CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
Detector status: a snapshot from the pit
In the pit To be installed Muon System Calorimeters RICH2 Tracking system Magnet RICH1 Vertex Detector So long for the detector features. In this picture you can see what happens in hese days in the lhcb pit. In red you have the subdetectors already Installed while in green is what is still missing. As you can see almost all the subdetectors are already in place CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
Muon system support walls
All four panels M2-M4 installed. 87% of muon chambers built Rolf Lindner 01/06/2006 CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
Muon chamber supporting wall from top
Rolf Lindner 01/06/2006 CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
Outer Tracker installation
Rolf Lindner 01/06/2006 Arrival of Outer Tracker support structure April ‘06 18 m CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
Vertex detector installation
Rolf Lindner 01/06/2006 The vacuum tank of the vertex detector is lowered into the pit… …and installed in front of the RICH I magnetic shield (in blue) CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
LHC both sides of the IP8 IP8 POINT 7 POINT 1 CERN June 6-9 2006
HERA-LHC Workshop
Detector status: details
Magnet: installed & mapped Vertex detector: Vacuum tank being installed; silicon modules in production; installation at beginning of 2007 Tracking system: Production almost complete; installation in the pit will end in fall 2006 Calorimeters: installation finished, commissioning ongoing RICH System: RICH I shielding installed, installation completed by fall 2006; RICH II in the pit, installation ongoing Muon system: 85% of chambers produced; installation in progress ON/OFF-line software: is progressing well This is in more details the status: CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
Detector status Plan to have everything installed by the end of 2006/beginning of 2007 Aiming to have the complete experiment ready for data taking in 2007 CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
LHC startup scenario (from the LHCb point of view)
From the LHCb point of view this would be a desirable scenario: 2007: detector alignment and calibration, possibly already with J/y signals from pp collisions 2008: 0.5 fb-1 2009: 1.0 fb-1 2010: 1.5 fb-1 i.e. ~3 fb-1 by the end of 2010 at the required average luminosity of ~2x1032 cm-2s-1 These were the latest news about detector installation. Let’s come now to discuss the LHC startup steps at LHCb CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
Commissioning plans Global commissioning without beam in 2006 - 2007
Commission the subdetectors (starting now !) Test the DAQ Test the electronics calibration procedures Check the scalability of the system, improve when needed Use of circulating beam in summer 2007: LHCb is a forward detector, cosmics can not help: beam-gas gives useful tracks for time and position alignment. Study of beam gas events ongoing: useful also for measuring and monitorng the luminosity (cross section measurements! See M. Ferro-Luzzi contribution to this workshop) Pilot Run (low luminosity) Without magnetic field: (time and space) alignments With magnetic field: Trigger setup and start collecting data Given this scenario, we are defining the plan for the detector commissioning Once we know that we readout the data from the same crossing, aligning the detector is the next important step, which is needed to get the HLT trigger working. As indicated earlier, the first collisions will be probably with magnet OFF, and will be used to collect straight lines. The Velo internal alignment should come from the 2006 test beam, and should give a very good starting point for aligning the other detectors. This alignment is essentially an analysis task, as there is no configuration of the detector to change after alignment. Collecting enough data will be the main requirement to the commissioning activity. If corrective actions are needed on the detector position, they will have to be performed during a long enough access, this means most probably after the Pilot Run. Once we know that we readout the data from the same crossing, aligning the detector is the next important step, which is needed to get the HLT trigger working. As indicated earlier, the first collisions will be probably with magnet OFF, and will be used to collect straight lines. The Velo internal alignment should come from the 2006 test beam, and should give a very good starting point for aligning the other detectors. This alignment is essentially an analysis task, as there is no configuration of the detector to change after alignment. Collecting enough data will be the main requirement to the commissioning activity. If corrective actions are needed on the detector position, they will have to be performed during a long enough access, this means most probably after the Pilot Run. As soon as possible in the commissioning of the LHC, and once we have done the basic time alignment, we should ask for collisions with our magnet ON. This is mandatory to start working on the software trigger, and validating the simulations. This is also needed to commission the Level-0 muon trigger. As the luminosity will be very low, with a single bunch colliding in LHCb, a simple Level-0, with some downscaling if needed, will select events useful for understanding the trigger and start working on reconstruction. The HLT should be run in ‘monitoring’ mode, this means writing its decisions into the event buffer, but accepting all events. Gradually, rejection can be enabled once the proper behaviour of each stage is validated. CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
Preparing for physics…with 0.1 fb-1 of data
Use special samples (mainly from inclusive HLT) for recontsruction and PID calibration and tuning: J/ for m ID D* D0(Kp)p for K/p ID and m mis-ID B0D* 3 hours of data-taking events after triggerxSelection (0.1 fb-1): B+ J/()K 80 k B+ D0(*) n 100 k B0 D*+n 350 k Bs Ds(*)mn 50 k sw/w 1-2 % per tagger Use B+/B0 control channels for tagging tuning From the physics side, the commissioning consists essentially in the calibration and tuning of reconstruction pid and taggingalgorithms This is done in a few steps: As you can see with a very short amount of datat taking time we can observe very well the time dependent asymmetries With ths statistics we can estimate the mistag rate with 1-2% uncertainty Use B0 control channels for oscillation measurement, as a first check of tagging performance. CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
First physics measurements
LHCb physics program with the very first data: J/y production studies (e.g. prompt vs B J/yX, bb cross section) sin(2b) (as a proof of principle of CPV measurements) Dms and fs (after CDF Dms, measurement, recent theoretical papers indicate fs measurement as very interesting for NP) Bsmm We have seen uptoknowwhat we shoulddo to have the experiment ready for physics.let’s now go through a few physics measurements tha can be performed with, say, 0.5 fb-1 and that we consider particularly interesting at the startup. Among these measurements I included CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
J/y production studies
LHCb will record a very large sample of J/y s(J/y prompt) = mb s(J/y from B) = 11 mb Inclusive HLT rate 600 Hz True J/y rate 130 Hz 109 J/y per year First preliminary studies on bb production cross section using B J/y decays are ongoing ATLAS/CMS will measure || < 2.5 ALICE will measure || < 0.9 and 2.5 < || < 4 LHCb will measure 2.0 < || < 5.3 An unbiased sample of J/psi is selected by the inclusive dimuon hlt. …..dominated by prompt J/psi Notice that a/c can measure the x section in the regionof eta <2.5,… while LHCb…. LHCb measurement of bb will allow a test of QCD in new region of phase space. Not really for the very first data ! A rough measurement would be iteresting anyway CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
J/y production studies
Generator studies Detailed generator studies on quarkonia production are ongoing. First preliminary results give large inconsistency between our standard PYTHIA settings (v 6.3) and version 6.4 where NRQCD model has been introduced for heavy quarkonia production: s(J/y prompt) ~ 3 times lower (See M. Bargiotti talk at this workshop for details) even a rough measurement of the ratio of prompt J/y vs J/y from B will be very interesting at the very beginning We are also doing an accurate generator study of geipsai production. CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
sin(2) with B0J/ KS Expected to be one of the first CP measurements: ACP(t) (background subtracted) Demonstrate tagging performance and ability for CP physics Sensitivity: LHCb expects ~60k signal events for 0.5 fb-1 stat(sin(2)) ~ 0.04 CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
Bs mixing: ms 1 year (2 fb–1) ms= 20 ps-1 Bs Ds- p+ (t)~40 fs LHCb CDF results with 1 fb: 3.7k fully reconstructed Bs Ds–+, Ds–3 ~85 fs, D2 = 5 % ~3 significance at ms~17 ps CDF measurement is already statistically very precise (~2%) LHCb expects: 120k BsDs evts/year (2 fb–1) B/S = 0.4, ~ 40 fs, D2 = 9 % LHCb can reach Tevatron (statistical…) precision in the first months of data taking. Note also that as ms~17 ps, the ultimate of LHCbis not essential. ms is in any case needed for fs measurement CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
fs and DGs from BsJ/ Bs J/ is the Bs counterpart of B0J/ KS:
Bs mixing phase fs is very small in SM: fs = –arg(Vts2)=–22 ~ –0.04 sensitive probe for new physics Sensitivity (at ms = 17.5 ps–1): 131k Bs J/ signal events/year B/S=0.12 stat(sin s) = 0.023 stat(s/s) ~ (1 year, 2 fb–1) Recent theoretical works indicate that large values of fs are not excluded: already with 0.2 fb-1 set an interesting limit or measure it if large, J/ final state contains two vectors: angular analysis needed to separate CP-even and CP-odd Fit for sin fs, DGs and CP-odd fraction (needs external ms) CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
Constraints on NP from s measurement
Constraints on NP contribution to fs (from hep-ph/ ) >90% CL >32% CL >5% CL After LHCb measurement of s with (s)= ±0.1 (~ 0.2 fb–1) UT fit collaboration estimate for s (hep-ph/ ) SJyf = sin(2c-2qs) = 0.07 ± 0.49 ss These are two examples of these analyses that I give you as a reference courtesy Z. Ligeti hs CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
Inclusive bb background
Bs +– Very rare decay, sensitive to new physics BR ~ 3.5 10–9 in SM, can be strongly enhanced in SUSY Current limit from Tevatron: D0: 2.310–7 at 95% CL CDF: 1.010–7 at 95% CL LHCb has prospect for significant measurement but difficult to get reliable estimate of expected background: Full simulation: 10M incl. bb events + 10M b, b events (all rejected) 1 year Bs – signal (SM) b, b background Inclusive bb background All backgrounds LHCb 2 fb–1 17 < 100 < 7500 Finally a few words about the rare decay ….. In principle a (lucky !) measurement is possible already with 0.5 fb-1 CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
Conclusions Construction of LHCb is well advanced: we plan to complete the installation by the end of 2006 aiming to have the full detector ready for data in 2007. Commisioning strategy is being prepared in detail Strategy for calibrations, alignments, trigger and analysis tuning being devised Already with the very first data very interesting measurement can be performed: I invite you to follow the startup of our experiment ! This is all I wanted to present, thanks for your attention CERN June HERA-LHC Workshop
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