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National 5 Physical Education

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1 National 5 Physical Education

2 Identifying your strengths and Weaknesses from data collection
From the data you have gathered describe your strengths and development needs in relation to your performance for both factors. (4 marks)

3 Reminder….. Concentration: the ability to focus on the task in hand and focus for a period of time Decision Making: The process of choosing a skill, action or option from a set of alternatives Level of Arousal: Level of excitement, anticipation, stress prior to a performance. It relates to the preparation of a performance. Anxiety: is a negative reaction of a performer to stress, often leading to over arousal. It can lead to feeling fatigued and can cause concentration issues.

4 Mental Strengths From the data that I have gathered on my performance, I have identified that my mental strength is my…… Concentration Level of Arousal Decision Making In …(activity)…, this means……(impact)…..

5 Mental Weaknesses From the data that I have gathered on my performance, I have identified that my mental weakness is my…… Concentration Level of Arousal Decision Making Anxiety In …(activity)…, this means……(impact)…..

6 Group task: Describe impacts on performance for:
Concentration (positive and negative) Level of Arousal (positive and negative) Decision Making (positive and negative) Anxiety (negative only)

7 Structuring your responses:
Identify the strength or weakness Back this up with data Explain (in detail), the impact on your performance

8 Example 1 From the data that I have gathered on my performance, I have identified that my mental strength is my decision making. From the MTQ, I can see that I had 5/6 negative responses to these questions. I know that this is true as when I am attacking volleyball, I can assess my opponents position to play either a tip into space or a powerful spike to a weak player on the court, to win points for my team.

9 Example 2 From the data I have gathered, I have identified that my mental weakness is anxiety. I got a score of 22 on the SCAT test which means a high level of anxiety. I know this is the case, as when I am about to play in an important match, I often feel very nervous and I have butterflies in my stomach. This can prevent me from taking chances in the game and I often shy away from passes as I am so scared of making a mistake.

10 Final thought….

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