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SDMX Tools Interactive demonstrations Structural Validation Service

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1 SDMX Tools Interactive demonstrations Structural Validation Service
ESTP Workshop on SDMX in National Accounts Luxembourg, March 2016

2 Summary: Current ESA business process
National Production Generate SDMX-ML PUSH Transmission Structural Validation Content Validation Processing & Calculation Data Sharing & Dissemination Data provider Eurostat Structural Validation

3 Possible future architecture (NAPS-S)
Shared / Replicated Services For NA and others Structural Validation Content Validation Statistical Service A Statistical Service B SDMX Registry VTL Repository Common Repository Common Repository

4 Structural Validation
Proof of concept setup Regular production All countries EDAMIS Selected TF members Eurostat Process Manager Step 1: Call Structual Validation Svc If OK: deliver to "reduced" production system If Not OK: deliver report to EDAMIS feedback channel Structural Validation Svc PoC

5 Demo: launching Struval after EDAMIS

6 ? Structural Validation SDMX Registry Content Validation
SDMX compliance Valid SDMX-ML file Coded according to the DSD Mandatory fields present Correct data types Dataflow definition Basic logical checks Sender ID and REF_AREA Table ID is present Value "NaN" and OBS_STATUS EMBARGO_DATE and CONF_STATUS PRICES and REF_YEAR_PRICE Basic content checks Missing or unexpected series Hole in series Zero values Negative values General plausibility and consistency (within file) Additivity of breakdowns Outliers Consistency between prices Unadjusted and adjusted series Advanced plausability and consistency (across files) Revisions Quarterly versus Annual Same series across tables Cross-domain or source checks Balance of Payments Trade statistics Labour market statistics Data pulished by NSI or IO Structural Validation SDMX Registry ? Content Validation VTL Repository

7 ? Structural Validation SDMX Registry Content Validation
SDMX compliance Valid SDMX-ML file Coded according to the DSD Mandatory fields present Correct data types Dataflow definition Basic logical checks Sender ID and REF_AREA Table ID is present Value "NaN" and OBS_STATUS EMBARGO_DATE and CONF_STATUS PRICES and REF_YEAR_PRICE Structural Validation SDMX Registry General plausibility and consistency (within file) Additivity of breakdowns Outliers Consistency between prices Unadjusted and adjusted series Basic content checks Missing or unexpected series Hole in series Zero values Negative values ? Content Validation VTL Repository Advanced plausability and consistency (across files) Revisions Quarterly versus Annual Same series across tables Cross-domain or source checks Balance of Payments Trade statistics Labour market statistics Data pulished by NSI or IO

8 Example of the STRUVAL error report
SDMX compliance Valid SDMX-ML file Coded according to the DSD Mandatory fields present Correct data types Dataflow definition Example of a mistake Example of the STRUVAL error report

9 Example of the STRUVAL error report
SDMX compliance Valid SDMX-ML file Coded according to the DSD Mandatory fields present Correct data types Dataflow definition Example of a mistake Example of the STRUVAL error report

10 Example of the STRUVAL error report
SDMX compliance Valid SDMX-ML file Coded according to the DSD Mandatory fields present Correct data types Dataflow definition Example of a mistake ? CONF_STATUS ? Example of the STRUVAL error report

11 Example of the STRUVAL error report
SDMX compliance Valid SDMX-ML file Coded according to the DSD Mandatory fields present Correct data types Dataflow definition Example of a mistake Example of the STRUVAL error report

12 SDMX Dataflow defintion
1 DSD covers multiple Dataflows NA_MAIN DSD: Table 1: T0101_A, T0102_A, T0103_A … Table 3: … Table 5: … Each of those Dataflows gives a partial picture "cutting the DSD": SDMX cube region "listing each series": SDMX key set

13 SDMX Cube Region Constraint
The DSD has an Activity code list with >170 items In table 101 we only report A*10 SDMX cube region constraint (linked to dataflow): List of allowed codes by concept ?

14 SDMX Key Set Constraint
Which series are allowed / forbidden?

15 Example of the STRUVAL error report
SDMX compliance Valid SDMX-ML file Coded according to the DSD Mandatory fields present Correct data types Dataflow definition (Cube) Example of a mistake Example of the STRUVAL error report

16 STO=YA1 is allowed in T0101 (statistical discrepancy)
SDMX compliance Valid SDMX-ML file Coded according to the DSD Mandatory fields present Correct data types Dataflow definition (Key) Example of a mistake STO=YA1 is allowed in T0101 (statistical discrepancy) ACTIVITY=L is allowed in T0101 But the combination is not: Statistical disrepancy is not broken down by activity Other example: expenditure _Z or _T depends on STO

17 Example of the STRUVAL error report
SDMX compliance Valid SDMX-ML file Coded according to the DSD Mandatory fields present Correct data types Dataflow definition (Key) Example of a mistake Example of the STRUVAL error report Not yet activated  Data flow defintions need to be extended and tested Planned to be added during Feb / Mar

18 Planned improvements Faster turnaround time (currently ~10 minutes)
Change presentation of error node from list to XML tags Grouping of errors by error type instead of once per occurance

19 Presentation of error node

20 Grouping of errors by type
Now Wrong code B5N in series X.X.X Wrong code B5N in series X.X.Y Wrong date format in series X.X.Z Wrong code B5N in series X.Y.Z Then Wrong code B5N in X.X.X X.X.Y X.Y.Z Wrong date format in X.X.Z

21 NAMAIN DSD Scope for phase 1 GDP NASEC DSD
Main Aggregates: 0101, 0102, 0103, 0120, 0121 Sector Accounts: 0800, 0801 0800 NASEC DSD 0801 GDP 0101 0102 0103 0120 NAMAIN DSD 0121

22 Timeline for structural validation
Pilot of structural validation until end March Improvements following suggestions from VALTF Presentation of results to NAWG Staged go-live throughout 2016

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