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Research Group Coordinators

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1 Research Group Coordinators
Research Group: “European Challenges. Technological Change and Re-arrangements of Migration and Work” Research Group Coordinators Prof. Dagmara Jajeśniak-Quast (European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder) Prof. Aristotle Tympas (National and Kapodistrian University, Athens) Work Prof. Dagmara Jajeśniak-Quast Prof. Klaus Weber Dr. Norbert Cyrus Falk Flade Migration Prof. Aristotle Tympas External partner European research network „Tensions of Europe“ Core Thesis B/Orders are arrangements between actors who are guided by their respective interests. Technology is used to transform and interconnect (or separate) societies, which causes re-arrangements of B/Orders.

2 Technology-Arrangement Nexus
Research Group: “European Challenges. Technological Change and Re-arrangements of Migration and Work” Research Agenda Agenda Viadrina Center B/Orders in Motion Agenda Tensions of Europe Motion involves Technology and (re-)Arrangements Technology-Arrangement Nexus Technology is conceived in a broad sense as technological systems, consisting of artefacts, organizations, scientific and legal components, resources, people, etc. In order to avoid determinism, the approach applies the concept of (re-)Arrangement. The nexus of technology and arrangements is pivotal for understanding societal transformations.

3 International Funding B/Orders Center profile
Research Group: “European Challenges. Technological Change and Re-arrangements of Migration and Work” Funding Strategy International Funding Horizon 2020 > ARETE > TROUBLE ERC (?) National Funding Volkswagen Foundation: “Europe and Global Challenges” (?) DFG: SFB (?) DFG: Research Training Group (together with research group “Regulierungsfragen transnationaler Arbeit”) B/Orders Center profile Border Studies (empirical, normatively, practical), border dynamics (spatial, temporal, social), border regimes, interdisciplinarity, internationality, EU integration  “major hub for the study of border processes”

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