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*Contact Ken Heuston for more information.

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1 *Contact Ken Heuston for more information.
Men of Courage Meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays each month. Next Meeting is : Jan. 16th @ 6:45pm The Christmas star shines once a year and then it fades away. Keep the spirit in your heart and it is Christmas everyday. All are Welcome! *Contact Ken Heuston for more information.

2 With Santa 9 - 11 BREAKFAST Sat, Dec 2 Please
Please bring an unwrapped gift or hats and mitts for a child. BREAKFAST nd With Santa am am Pancakes, fun activities, games and Santa!  Don’t forget your letters for Santa! *Please sign-up in the foyer! Space is limited!


4 *Please sign up in the foyer
Age Unlimited Festive Turkey Dinner Date: Tuesday, December 12th @ 11:00 am  Place: “The Other Place” (1395 Walker Road) Cost: $22 (Please pay Madelon by Dec 6th ) *Please sign up in the foyer ** ½ to 1 dozen baked goods for our dessert table would be gratefully appreciated.

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